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† Andromeda's POV †

What is wrong with Bill? Is he a fangirl in disguise? Well, he behaves worse than any fangirl I've ever met so far. And that's saying something, considering I fangirl over many things...
*Cough* 1D and BTS *Cough*

Anyways, I got back my beautiful book from the library and sat down on the couch while the others joined me.

"Did you see the size of the notice? If I need to tell you guys the gist of it, we have to write our names on the form, and there will be a kind of meeting for all the groups. It will be headed by Mr. Alexander..." Lily interrupted Tom from his monologue by screaming,

"I just saw Mr. Alexander! I just saw Alexander! I just saw Alex!"

"So, Mr.Alexander became Alexander to just Alex? Wow, just wow!" Rose exclaimed.

"I didn't get my selfie! I want my selfie!" Bill wailed as he flopped down on the couch next to me.

I did it again. I rolled my eyes.

"Andra, you're a meanie. I'm nevah evah going to talk to you. No. Nope. Uh-huh." Bill declared. He folded his arms and looked away from me, while pouting.

I sighed at his childish antics. And he's supposed to be older than me...

"Do I look like I care?" I countered back, raising my eyebrow in question.

"You d-don't? Andra, you're so mean, meanie! meanie! meanie! Tom, look at her! She's being mean to me!" Bill whined like a kindergartener.

Tom gave me a look which clearly said, Please Andra... For the sake of my sanity...

I sighed in defeat.

"Okay... Bill, I'm sorry I hit you on your head with the book..."

He kept on whining and tugging on Tom's arm.

I decided to take a different route to tackle this problem.

"Aw! Will you look at that! Little Bill is whining. You're so cute!" I cooed and pinching his cheeks.

He grinned at me like an idiot...

Yes! One thing is solved. Now back to my book...

"Excuse me..." A husky voice interrupted me from reading.
I looked up from my book to see who was so bold enough, or stupid enough, to disturb me when I wanted to read.

† Alexander's POV †

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† Alexander's POV †

I have to go and talk to her. I just have to!

I saw her sitting with her friends on the couch in the lobby. She was immersed in that blasted book.

It's now or never! Come on Alex, do it!

I walked up to them and spoke clearly, "Excuse me." All of them immediately looked up but I had my eyes only on my Angel. I was waiting for her reaction...

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2018 ⏰

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