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† Andromeda's POV †

"Have you guys heard about that competition? Conducted by Walt- no, was it Washington? Nah, that's not it..." Bill rambled on.

"Is it Williams'?" Lily enquired.

"Yeah, yeah, that's it!" Bill grinned at Lily as she rolled her eyes at his stupidity, "Bill, your full name is William! Don't tell me you forgot your own name. I mean, I know you're dumb, but seriously, are you that dumb?"

"Oh damn!" Bill apologized as Rose burst out laughing at the incredulous look on Lily's face.
He continued, "But, it's not my fault though. I mean, as far as I remember, all of you have called me Bill. Only my mother calls me William and that too, very rarely. The last time she called me William was when I tried to fill the swimming pool with milk..."

"You tried to fill a swimming pool with milk?" Tom asked with a slightly disgusted look on his face.

Bill replied with an innocent look, "Yeah... It was on my bucket list, you know? Fill the entire swimming pool with milk, and dump atleast 5 kgs of hot chocolate powder in it...!"

"Did someone say hot chocolate?" I asked when I came out of my 'book-induced' haze.

"Look who has finally decided to join the world of the living!" Bill yelled dramatically and Lily snickered.

"I'm sure you have some kind of book with you... Let's see what it is!" Bill stood up and tried to grab the book from where I was sitting on a branch. I yelped at his sudden action and fell down the branch, landing straight on Tom.

"Ow!" Tom yelled and tried to push me off of him. But I just grinned and settled down. Lily burst out laughing and said in a very smug voice, "Serves you right, Tommy boy!"

Tom groaned and thunked his head against the tree trunk.

"Why? What happened?" I questioned Lily.
Lily sniffed and replied, "Yesterday, Tom accompanied me when I went shopping. I asked him his opinion on the lipsticks and do you know what he said?"

"Uh..." I turned back to look at Tom who was trying his very best to hide behind me.

"He said 'Is there any difference between these two colours?' I mean, firstly, of course there's a bloody difference between amethyst and orchid and secondly, THEY'RE NOT COLOURS, THEY'RE SHADES!" Lily spat out.

Tom made some kind of noise and hid his face.

"Yeah, we're all highly appalled at Tom's behaviour regarding this oh so very important matter. Anyways, Andra did you even listen to what that idiot was trying to say? There is some kind of a competition conducted by Williams Corp. The team that wins gets a mi-" Rose was cut off by Bill.

"A million dollars each!" He breathed out with a giddy smile on his face.

To be honest, he kinda creeped me out...

"Each?" I snorted again and sat up straight, "You want me to believe that? Yeah, right!"

"Why not?" Tom finally spoke up after he came out of hiding, "Williams Corp. is the No.1 in the world. Its CEO Alexander Williams is one of the youngest businessmen to make it big. I mean, just look at the guy, he's just around 24!"

"Seriously Tom, are you being paid to advertise that company?" I fumed. And I'm sure Tom mumbled under his breath, "Well, I wish..."

"Also..." Lily said with a dreamy look on her face, "They say that Mr. Alexander is very fine speci—" I cut her off before she could finish her sentence.

"Yikes! Alright, okay, what about this... competition?"

"I'm not so sure. But, we can go to the company's lobby and check out the notice." Bill said as he scrambled to get up. Even the others stood while I was still sitting down.

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