“The bell’s about to ring, Rainah. You should go back into the locker room.” Mr. Haynes said, snapping me out of my trance. I was disappointed, but I can’t let him see that. I shouldn’t feel like this, he’s still my teacher. “I’ll meet you outside the locker room after class.”


                        “I’m driving you home again.”

                        “Alright.” I sighed, smiling slightly. It was a statement, no point in arguing it, right?

             I walked into the locker room and wrapped a towel around myself just as the bell rang. Girls would be here in minute or so.

             I thought about Will. I had never really liked anyone like I had him. I wondered if he felt the shocks when we touched. He made me feel special and as if I might be important.

But I needed to remind myself, yet again, that we could never be together. For one thing, it’s illegal. It would also require him liking me back, which could never happen. He’s to good for me and he always will be. I was that fat outcast with a pretty messed up life and he was…well he was perfect.

The girls filed in slowly, I spotted Dani quickly.

“Hey, Ray-Ray!” she said as she came up to me.

“Hey, Dan-Dan.” I said, smirking. She hated that nickname, she said it made her sound like a man. She just stuck her tongue out at me and got changed.

Before we walked out, she grabbed my arm and turned me so she could see my face. Her finger gently traced the handprint on my cheek and I winced slightly.

“He’ll go to hell for this.” She whispered, I saw the anger in her eyes.

“Hopefully.” I said as we walked out, towels wrapped around us.

Mr. Haynes was standing in front of a few benches, waiting for everyone to come out. I guess we were some of the last ones because he started talking once Dani and I sat down.

“So apparently, you guys have to do a swim test before we can do anything interesting. The test is four laps of freestyle and two minutes of treading water. We will go one at a time in reverse alphabetical order.”

I’m almost certain he did the reverse alphabetical order thing to give me time to practice. He knew swim tests would take at least three classes because we had 37 kids in our class. I silently thanked him when he met my gaze, he just winked at me before getting the first guy to start his test.

The rest of the class saw this as a free period so Dani and I quickly did our homework to get it out of the way.

“Is it bad that I think our teacher has a sexy ass?” she grinned, staring at him.

I blushed slightly because I knew she was right. In fact, it wasn’t just his ass, it was all of him.

“Rainah, you’re blushing…” Dani stared at me, I could see the gears turning in her head. “OH MY GOD! YOU LIKE HIM!!!!” she yelled loudly, making everyone turn and stare at us. I blushed harder and tried to hide behind my hair. She snickered because I had just proven her theory correct.

I risked a glance at Mr. Haynes to see if he had heard, and sure enough, he was watching me with an amused smirk on his face. I looked away quickly.

Dani waited until everyone had gone back to their conversations before she began interrogating me.

“So you do like him?”

Behind Closed Doors (studentxteacher) COMPLETEDМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя