My discovery - (Derek's POV)

Start from the beginning

"I... I promise that I won't make any noise... it... it will be like I am not even the-", the scent of fear from Stiles has spiked, why is he so afraid of his father. I look at Scott who's face is tight with confusion and worry. The shouting from the house draws back my attention and causes a gasp to come from Lydia. "GODDAMN IT BOY!". Another gasp came from Lydia and also one from Lydia, Isaac flinched and whimpered tucking his head into the side of Scott who looked like he was going to puke when the Sheriff's fist contacted hard with the counter with a deep thud. Stiles flinched to hard I tought he might have gotten whiplash. Stiles flinched hard again as the bottle of alcohol fell of the counter and smashed into pieces. If it was even possible Stiles' sent of fear spiked, the smell made me want to gag. The sheriff didn't say anything, he didn't go to deal with the broken glass. He began to stand up, scraping his chair against the floor of the kitchen. The noise assaulted my ears and made me and the other wolves winced. He stumbled towards Stiles, his smell was strong and acidic with hatred as he advanced on his son. I looked over to Scott who looked like he was choking down bile.

The words that came out of the Sheriffs mouth shocked me , it was the tone of them, I had always thought that Stiles and his father where so close. But as the older man advanced (drunkenly) on his only son his shouts where filled with hatred and spite."WHY CANT YOU DO ANYTHING I FUCKING SAY!". I watched in absolute horror as Stiles cowered away from his father terror in his now glassy eyes. Those beautiful honey coloured eyes filling with tears of fear and sadness. His voice came out in a broken stutter. My beautiful Stiles cowering away from his only family left. He doesn't deserve any of this. I just wanted to pull him into my arms and cover him from all the bad things in the world that seamed to follow him around everywhere he goes. "I...I..I'm..sss-", Stiles doesn't even get to finish his stuttering apology before his father shout into his face, his head smacking against the wall as he tries to back up further only for his escape to be prevented by the wall he had been backed into. "YOUR SORRY! NO YOUR PATHETIC!". Beside me Scott was shaking his head, "I don't... I don't understand." The boy had tears pooling in his eyes, I could understand, he was watching the man he respected, the man he loved like a father spouting abuse at the boy he loved as a brother.

Tears where falling down Stiles' cheek now, his face was screwed up, he was trying to stop himself from sobbing, the scene was heart-breaking but also filled me with so much range I began to shift slightly and unfurl myself from my crouching position. "We wait until he goes to his room remember, we will talk to him about this when we take him back to the house, he knows John is just drunk, he knows his dad doesn't mean it. He loves Stiles". Just as Scott says this John's voice comes from the house again, not a shout but a harsh sneer. "your crying now, what right do you have to cry, uh, uhhh". Stiles' teary face was grasped in his father's hand which forced his gaze up to mean the Older man's. The action was not kind, it was rough, but familiar. A sinking in my gut told me this is not the first time that Stiles had found himself in this situation in his life. This thought was like a punch to my gut and seemingly everyone else thought this too as almost simultaneously their faces paled. Stiles stopped forcing back his sobs and began to just let them out. The noise pounded against my eardrums, I swear it was the worst sound I had ever heard.

The next words where raised back into a shout, the spit flew out of the Sheriffs mouth and Stiles (if it was possible) cowered back further.  "YOU KNOW THE TRUTH STILESSSS". The way he dragged out Stiles name caused a growl to build in my throat, Cora must have felt my emotions as she reached forward and captured my hand in hers and squeezed tight. Her hand squeezed mine harder when the Sheriff began to shout again."YOU KILLED HER, YOU KILLED THE WOMAN I LOVED! WE WHERE HAPPY BEFORE YOU CAME ALONG AND THEN YOU KILLED HER, AND NOW I AM LEFT WITHT HIS PATHETIC, WEAK, HYPER ACTIVE LITTLE BASTARD! YOU KILLED YOUR MOM STILESSS. AND YOU KNOW WHAT, YOU ARE KILLING ME!". Scott had broken into shuddering yet quiet sobs. Lydia had mascara spilling down her cheeks a hand pressed over her mouth suppressing sobs of her own.

Walls, Masks and Plaid Shirts (Book One of the 'Plaid Shirts' series)Where stories live. Discover now