X Chapter 11 X

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Simons Pov

She was beautiful, I couldn't take this anymore. So I kissed her...

We both pulled apart and stared into each other's eyes. I wanted her to be something to me. I want to call her my girl. I want her to be my girlfriend.

But I can't. It's too soon and I'm too scared of rejection.

Alice's PoV

Today with everything from the winning of the match to kissing Simon, this was the best day of my life. I didn't want it to end.

But it was time to go home.

" You wanna get a taxi with me?" Simon asked, as we were waiting outside of the football ground. I couldn't stop thinking about the kiss we had...
" Yeh sure" I smiled.
"Hey can I join? Everybody else has left me" vik says while doing a cute, but funny, puppy dog face.
"Yeh, mate" Simon replies.

I start to shiver because of the coldness of the night. My hands were shaking and I tried to seek warmness from the pockets of my jeans. Staring down at the ground, I started to have a mental argument with myself at the fact that I should of brought a coat or a jumper.

Suddenly, I hear Simon cough and I look up to see that he was trying to get my attention. I guess I was too busy in my own thoughts.

"You want my jumper?" He asks being the concerned person that he is.
" It's yours. If I take it, you'll be cold..." I faintly smile.
" I still have a lot of adrenaline from the match so I'm actually pretty warmed up. Here have it, the taxi is here now anyway." He smiles as he starts to take is jumper off. He passes the jumper to me and I thank him.

The scent from him is incredible and I almost have the urge to steal and keep the jumper for myself.

We notice that the taxi is here so we all huddle up in to the car.

"It was a great game today guys, I'm so proud of you both" I say as we are all comfortably sat in the car.
"Thank you Alice" Vik smiles and then proceeds to grab his phone from his pocket.
"Thank you Al" Simon smiles at me.

That smile kills me and all I could process about was that I could stare at that smile all day. I quickly grab my phone ready to catch a picture of him but he already caught on to what I was doing.

"Awww please laugh, I want a picture" I give him the sad face.
"Nope not gonna happen." He slyly smirks.
"D'you want me to tell everyone what happened today?" I laugh, obviously implying the kiss that we shared.
"Wait, what are you on about?" Vik asks, curiously.
"Oh... Nothinggg" I laugh.

I glance up at Simon to see him blushing. Awww.

"I need to make him laugh, help me Vik please" I beg.
"Uhm... Okay, just tell him about the funny cat we found in our shed the other day" Vik replies.

If you don't know what I'm on about, me and the sidemen were having a game of hide and seek just for fun really, and me and Vik went to go hide in the shed but there was this cat that was randomly there and it scared the shit out of us so me and Vik ran for our lives. It ended in vik falling to the ground from face planting the front of the door. It was really funny.

"The only thing we found in that shed was vik's 12 year old children." I jokingly replied.

And this caused Simon to burst out laughing. However, he then realised I was taking a photo of him so he just smiled.

 However, he then realised I was taking a photo of him so he just smiled

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@Alice_Official ✔️- Great win today, lads! I captured this guys smile. His smile makes me happy <3 @miniminter✔️
@miniminter✔️ - ❤️

@miniminter✔️ retweeted and liked your tweet

He as a person, makes me happy.

I stare back up at him and I smile. Before I know it, I was drifting off into a sleep while still in a taxi.

Simons pov

@miniminter✔️- She is beautiful

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@miniminter✔️- She is beautiful... <3 @Alice_Official✔️
@W2SLovemeplz - Are you dating? <3
@miniminter✔️ - Not yet 😉
@Behzinga✔️ - What'd you mean 'Not yet?'

Oh no

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