X Chapter 2 X

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Alice's Pov

" Ok guys, welcome to a new video. As you can see I'm playing GTA today but this time I'm playing it with Ethan, JJ , Simon, Josh and vikk!" I speak while introducing the sidemen (minus Tobi and Harry of course.)

They all say their hellos and then Simon introduces us to the map that we will be racing.
The countdown is ticking while JJ is complaining how the race is non contact therefore spoiling the fun in the first place.
"Like why am I even here? This is fucking pointless" JJ complains as we all begin the race while the rest of the gamers, including me, head in front of JJ.
"Got the boost boys!" most of them say while Ethan is laughing in the background, obviously laughing at what JJ said. His laugh is contagious.

I'm quickly heading into 2nd place already with Vikk on my trail, and Simon in 1st place.
"Alice is way better than you Ethan" Simon mocks Ethan obviously trying to irritate him as he is coming 4th and I am coming 2nd.
"And I'm better than you Simon because I just overtook you!" I reply as the rest of them laugh at my comment.

Simon was quiet for a while. Probably trying to not ruin is ego after he just got taken over by me, a girl who rarely plays GTA 5.
"Hey, moment of silence for JJ" Vikk says as JJ is not only last, but actually so far behind we could probably over take him on the second lap. We all burst out laughing at Vikks comment
"Nah... it's this stupid car! You all have custom cars, you dicks!" I burst out laughing and then I realise that I don't have a custom car.
"I don't have a custom car, and I'm still in 1st
place" I reply to him.
"Oy, Simon fuck off with your shitty haircut!!" Ethan interrupts while screaming at Simon as he over takes him finally.

The race is almost over and i am somehow still in 1st place. Ethan is in 2nd and Simon is in 3rd then it goes Vikk, Josh and then poor JJ.
"Josh has been quiet...? I'm a little worried" Simon says, referring to the fact that he has barely spoken accept for a few laughs and complaints.
"It's because he is nearly last bro" Ethan giggles, obviously joking.
"Hey you're savage today brother! Leave him alone" I say, trying to stick up for Josh.
"Thank you Alice!" Josh replies, grateful for my comment.

"You know, Alice is pretty good at this to say she barely plays GTA 5" Simon says complementing me.
"Thanks Si" I blush after I realised what I just called him. Si? Really?
"Aww she just called you Si, that's cute" Josh says, trying to stir things up because my brother is here and probably thinks there is something else going on. There is not!
"Hey Josh? Shut up will you!" Ethan laughs. Me being thankful that he didn't take the comment too seriously. He's very protective.

"Aha I win!!" I mock them all. But all I got back was a laugh. "Hey! What's so funny?" I say laughing with them.
"Ethan got beat by his own sister!" JJ says while trying to contain his laughter.
" shut up! At least I didn't come last... Unlike you" Ethan says while everybody laughs. Once again... Poor JJ.

"And that is it guys! I hope you enjoyed this video of me playing GTA 5 with the Sidemen. How did I do guys?" I conclude the video with victory from winning the race!
"You did great! You should play with us more often..." Simon hints.
"Thank you and yes we should play more often"
I replied.
"Aha that's what she said" Vikk says while giggling.
"Wow" I say sarcastically, laughing also.
"Well... I did shit" JJ sighs in defeat as Ethan and the rest of us start laughing.

I turn off my camera after filming for about an hour. I will edit it tomorrow. The Sidemen are actually great to film with especially Simon, he's nice...

I hear my brother in his bedroom packing up and turning off his camera after filming with us also. With a few exchanges of good nights to each other, I finally relax and dose off into sleep.

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