X Chapter 10 X

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A/N I'm so sorry I haven't updated in ages, I've been a bit stressed with school. I ALSO MET THE SIDEMEN THE OTHER DAY!! THEY WERE SO NICE AND OMG! I  HUGGED SIMON!! okay enjoy this chapter haha

Alice's Pov

Today was the day that I would watch my brother and a bunch of his mates play for a charity football match in Southhampton. I couldn't be any more proud to see Ethan on that pitch.

I was currently in the changing rooms with Ethan and Simon. They seemed pretty nervous at the fact that they were going out onto the pitch any minute.

"You're gonna do great guys!" I encourage them.
"I'm actually really excited to get on the pitch, just a little nervous y'know?" Simon explains as he starts to put on his football boots.
"I'm so proud of you guys, I mean you're frigging playing a charity football match, that's insane!" I smile, as the rest of the sidemen are ready with their football boots and kit on. So was other youtubers, that weren't in the sidemen, were also ready to start the game.

We all gather around and huddled into a circle so that we are facing each other. With Vik on my left and Ethan on my right, they all say there comments about today's match. They are going to win, I can feel it.

They all shout a bunch of words and then we all  separate from the circle. You're probably wondering why I'm in the room with all the players... Well I wanted to give my brother and my friends some support, I couldn't be any happier to see them on this pitch.

They all stand in line ready to exit the changing rooms and onto the pitch. I saw Simon at the back of the line as his hands were nervously shaking.

"Si" I shout to him. He turns around and smiles at me as he walks up to me.

And I hug him.

"Your gonna do incredible Si!" I smile into his chest.
"If I score, I'm finding you in the stands and I'm going to hug you" he lightly laughs as he speaks.

This boy makes me happy.

"If you score... I'm going to kiss you" I say jokingly. Although I knew deep down I meant it.

He lets go of the warm hug and mutters a quick ' I hope I score then ' without realising that I heard him. The cheeky little bean.

I wish him good look as he runs out onto the pitch catching up with his team mates, one of them being my own brother. Like I said, I couldn't be any more proud.

Skip to when the final goal was scored...

We won!! We fricken won!!

When Simon scored, he tried looking for me... I guess he didn't find me because I got no hug!

We all waited for the fans to get off the pitch so that the arena will be empty. 45 minutes later, we all walked on the pitch and just sat in the middle of the field to reflect the win the Sidemen FC just made. The arena was silent accept for the odd talking of the few youtubers.

Ethan was vlogging and celebrating to the camera as Josh was lurking in the background trying to photobomb the video. This made me laugh, but then I released that Simon was recording me. He was holding the Southhampton ball ,that they won with, in the palm of his hand. I noticed that he asked me something but I was too busy laughing at Josh and Ethan.

"Sorry, what? I didn't hear" I laugh, as I turn around and face the direction of the camera.

"I want you to have a kick of the ball in the nets. I want it in the top bins or no hug for you, Al" he smirks as he calls me by a nickname. Finding this funny, I stood up and grabbed his hand so that I could drag him to the other end of the pitch and in front of the goal.  The boys were talking too much that they didn't even see us leave.

" Are you ready for this?" I challenge him while smirking.
" Ha I want top bins or no hug!" He laughs, while pointing the camera at me so that I'm in the shot to kick the ball.

"Ready?" I smirk.
"Ready!" He replies
"Maybe ready will be our always" I reply smugly. He bursts out laughing.
"You're such a dork! Now kick the ball Al" he still laughs.

I get ready to kick the ball. Standing a bit back, I then take a run up and boot the ball into the net.

"TOP BINS!!!! I WANNA HUG! GIVE ME A HUG!" I shout as we were both cheering.
He switches his camera off and walks up to me, embracing me into a hug.

I gaze up at him, after relaxing my head on his chest. He was already smiling down at me.

"Alice?" He mumbles.
"Yeh?" I also mumble.
"I never got that kiss from scoring" he smirks although he was very serious.

And that's when he leaned in and kissed me.

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