Scroll 2: Amon and the Kou Empire

Start from the beginning

"I do have some experience, Milord. What would your request be?" She inquired. Koumei told her that he wanted smoked squid. She smiled at the request before exiting the room.

Reaching the kitchen, she asked the head if she could cook for Prince Koumei's food. It was easy for her since she favored cooking and was one of her hobbies. The cook hesitated before letting her use their utensils.

After a while, she was done, and food was ready to be served. The cook looked at the dish with delight in his eyes. He was amazed with her talent. After giving her gratitude to them, she returned to Prince Koumei's room to serve his dinner. When she reached his room, she was shocked with how his room got messy again and that he was sleeping.

"Koumei-dono. Koumei-dono." She called out to him, but he was out cold.

"Milord! Wake up this instant!" The prince jolted out and a splatter of ink covered his left cheek. Azami sighed before pulling out a small handkerchief and wiped out the ink.

"Your dinner is here and you shouldn't sleep in here, Prince Koumei. You should rest in your room." She berated. Koumei sat surprised with the way she handled a prince like him. With a smile, he ate her homemade cooking and was astonished with how delicious it was. Azami gave a small smile before cleaning up again. After dinner, she proposed to help out Koumei.

"Prince Koumei? Would you mind if I help you accomplish those papers?" She inquired. Koumei dropped his brush and regarded her stoically. That alone was enough to raise suspicion. However, he was curious was brought such confidence to the young lady.

"That is an impossible request, Azami. Also, do you think that we will let an outsider learn of our country's status? We may have let you in and become a servant after trespassing Kou, but it does not mean that we are naive. For all we know, you could be a spy or an assassin. Isn't that common sense, Azami?" He judged. The red haired was appalled, but she could understand her foolishness. She only wanted to help him after seeing his sunken eyes.

"Of course, Milord. Forgive my foolishness." She apologized. He looked at her for a moment before suggesting to see her brother for further jobs. She might get lucky.

"I am sure that My Brother and Lord will find your help of use. Of course, you would still serve under me." He uttered. She was shocked but soon, a grin was plastered on her face. Unknown to her, a certain djinn noticed the blush that spread across the Crimson Prince's face.

"Thank you, Milord. I do hope that Prince Kouen will let me help you ease your lack of sleep." She muttered. Koumei heard her and asked.

"Whatever do you mean?"

She did not answer him and continued cleaning the table for him to continue his work. Koumei dismissed her and quickly, she went towards Kouen's room. With a knock and a response of "Come in.", she entered the room to have a small talk with him.

"Good evening, Prince Kouen." She greeted. Kouen looked up from the papers he was reading and regarded her to sit down. She did.

"Azami, what do you need at this time of the night?" He asked. Azami sat straight and stated her proposal.

"Will you lessen some of Prince Koumei's work and give them to me?" He raised an eyebrow at her before he asked why.

"I can see the decrease in his physical strength and it's not good for a metal vessel user like him." She reasoned out. Kouen sighed at her idiocy.

"You do know that you are an outsider right? You haven't even been in this country for a day. Do you think that we will let you see the informations we carefully disclose?" He sneered. She was silent at her own idiocy for insisting on helping the Crimson Prince. Kouen stared at her when she began talking once more.

"What is it that you desire, Prince Kouen?"

"To unify the world." He simply replied.

"And how are you going to do that?" She further inquired. He smirked at her before explaining his method. It had both its advantage and disadvantage. However, she knew that it was their way, and it seemed like some of their people were happy with their lives. Only some. Just then, she noticed familiar writings on his table.

"Is that the Toran language?" From where she was sitting, she could only get a glimpse of it.

"You know how to read one?"

"Yes, I had a teacher." Well that was how she could describe Ugo, and he did teach her how to read and write Toran. Azami found this as her chance, so she bargained with the prince. She will teach her all that she could in exchange for helping the sleepy head prince. Kouen raised his at her. He did not know why she insist on helping his brother.

"What is your goal? I'm sure that you have something in mind." He uttered. Azami also found herself in confusion as to why she was forcing herself to help him. However, one thing was for sure.

"I kept on avoiding this country for some reason but now, it interested me. I want to at least learn something about it." She confessed.

"Starting from its internal, I see. I will not let you see the papers yet. I will give you two or three months to earn my trust." He smirked. Azami was up for the challenge. She nodded, and he made her swear an oath.

"Thank you Prince Kouen. I'll be going back to Prince Koumei's room now. I bid you good night, my king." She exited the room and slipped towards Koumei's room where he ushered him to take a rest. She told him everything, and he smirked at her bravery. Azami assured him that he will have an assistant after two months or so. Koumei let out a chuckle at her oddity. Even she could not believe herself for such an act. There was still some fear in her heart about Kou empire. For now, she will try to avoid 'them' and serve the prince. That was only until she completes her escape plan.

"I bid you goodnight, my prince."


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