Chapter 35: Don't Belong

Start from the beginning

"Well, Jaune and Pyrrha are defiantly going to be a thing, Ruby is special somehow, Ruby and Weiss are best friends and so are Yang and Blake."

"Now the hidden Easter eggs?" Grant urged.

Thought for a moment then I realized what he was getting at and the reason he couldn't date Yang anymore.

"The ships." I said sadly.

Grant nods.

I felt anger built up in side of me and soon I let it out, "No!" I growled, "I can't just accept that!"

Grant looked at me with sad eyes, "You have to. We don't have a choice."

I gritted my teeth and clenched my fist. I felt the anger taking over my body. My body started to tingle as I lifted my fist and swung it right into Grant's face. He flew a couple of feet into a tree.

He looked at me in shock at first but it quickly turned to worry, "Alex! You have to calm down or your dream will come true!" Begged Grant.

I took a deep breath then returned to the house, leaving my brother out in the cold.

When I got inside I went into the small living room where team RWBY were sitting, watching TV. I sat next to Weiss who was in the middle next to Ruby. They were having a pretty peaceful conversation. Weiss having her usual calm expression while Ruby smiled. It soon came to an end when Weiss leaned into me. I could easily see Ruby's small frown when I sat down.

I watched her for a moment until she visibly frowned and claimed she was going to bed. Weiss visibly frowned as well when she left. The air in the room never changed from the heavy feeling at supper.

Grant came in and looked at me then shook his head. As much as I refuse to admit it out loud, what Grant said made sense. We didn't belong here, we belong on earth and no matter how long we stay here, and it's not going to make a difference.

I then started to think about the destroyer and what Grant had said about Axel. I needed to talk Axel again.

"Alex?" Weiss asked, snapping me out of my thoughts, "Are you ok?"

I nodded, "Just thinking."

"I am heading to sleep." She claimed, "See you in the morning."

"Yeah, see you."

She headed in the same direction as Ruby.

Soon after we bid Yang and Blake goodnight as well, it just left Grant and me alone.

I sighed before turning to my brother, "Sorry I punched you. I was just angry but I know you're right."

Grant nodded, "So what are we going to do?"

"I think we need to try to get them together." I told him, "Ruby and Weiss, Yang and Blake."

"We also need to exterminate Next." He said grimly.

"Yeah." I agreed, "I'm going to sleep though."

Grant nodded in agreement and we went to our room and I fell asleep almost instantly.

My dream started off as usual, the picnic. However this time was different. I felt more aware than I had in my previous dreams. I focused on myself as I took out my friends. My right eye was glowing red and the white part of my left eye was a dark red but the iris stayed blue. The tips of my hair had turned white. The scariest part was my body. I could see grimm bone forming over the right half of my body and starting over my left.

As he got to Weiss everything froze and I was then in the white room again, Axle sitting in a chair. I looked over to where the dark half of the room was but all I saw was a small corner of black.

"Hello Alex." Axle greeted with a smile, "How was your date?"

"Good." I replied with a raised eyebrow.

I was careful not to push Grant and I's conversation to the front of my brain. I didn't matter though, I needed to find out if he was really Next and if he was, I needed to find out what he's planning.

"Look," I said, "Who are you, really."

Axel's smile faded, "What do you mean."

Ok, yeah. I think Grant was right. I thought as I studied his posture. He usually looked pretty lax but now his posture was stiff.

"I was just wondering..." I said. I clenched my teeth, "Next."

He flinched at the name then smirked as he let our mischievous laugh, "And here I thought you were an idiot."

Next removed his sunglasses to reveal glowing red eyes.

"Dude, what's with your eyes?" I gasped.

"Haven't you seen eyes of a grimm before?" He gave a toothy grin.

"W-what?" I stammered.

"Ha!" he chuckled, "Grimm's eyes. That giant grimm I had you confront? Well you're looking at him!"

"Then what about the beast?" I pointed to what's left of the darkness.

Next gave a belly laugh, "That over there? Well, it's what's left of your humanity."

I was so shocked by this; I fell backwards looking up at Next.

He leaned down to look me in the eyes, "And by the end of the week, I will have devoured every last bit of it." He pulled my face so his mouth was right next to my ear, "And you can't stop me."

He stood up and laughed like a mad man as the scene changed. Luckily I was too shocked to care.

What the hell am I going to do.

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