Chapter 27: Who oh Who Could it be...

Start from the beginning

“That’s it. I’m coming in.” I said and pulled myself through the window. The wood was damp and it crumbles slightly in my hands. I looked around and smiled glad I had decided to climb through. The house was amazing but I knew that many years ago it would have been stunning. The floor creaked and was a dark color form the damp. The floor form upstairs had caved in leaving a pile of rubble in the middle of the room. Moss covered the walls and ceiling. 

“Kyle?” I called and rolled my eyes when he shouted back. I made my way over the ruble and towards his voice. Trust him to climb over everything; you know what?  I hope his foot gets stuck in a hole or something just so I can leave him here overnight. The rubble shifted as I made my way to what looked like it must have been used as the kitchen. 

The strong smell of damp and moss filled my nose and the slight smell of something I couldn’t put my finger on. 

“There’s nobody here. Have you seen this?” he asked as soon as I entered.

“What do you mean there’s nobody here, obviously there’s nobody here it’s a fallen down house in the middle of nowhere.” I said is a duh tone. 

“Well if there’s someone playing a joke then they will still be here right?”  

I rolled my eyes and looked at the old surfaces and equipment and something that looked like it resembled a sink. The tap didn’t even look recognizable. Kyle also noticed and made his way over to it and turned what looked like a nob (he he nob, I already know what you’re going to say ‘so immature’. Don’t tell me when your friend says ‘turn that nob for us’ –the door nob by the way- don’t tell me you don’t stand there giggling to yourself) I frowned when it turned almost easily and he held his fingers out under what looked like the end of the tap. There was a loud gurgle and black liquid came out sloshing everywhere. 

“What the fuck is that?” he turned the tap off and whipped his black fingers on his pants. 

“Gross where are you going now?” I asked when he walked past me and climbed back over the rubble and disappeared along a corridor that I hadn’t seen. I flung my head back and let out a long grown. Curiosity got the better of me and I followed. There was a loud creak and I followed faster. On the other side of the house the floor was still intact and looked sturdy, as I walked through the corridor Kyle had disappeared down, I clenched my jaw every time a piece of water dripping from the celling landed on my head or face. And let me tell you my jaw really hurt when I got to the end and jumped at all the creaking the stairs as Kyle made his way up slowly- wait, what? 

“Kyle are you insane, get your scraggy ass down here now.” I ordered. I feel like I’m talking to a dog. 

He didn’t turn to look at me and continued to climbed higher; if I reached out I would have been able to pull him back. 

“Fine you wanna die, die!” I shouted at him and he turned to look at me. 

“Don’t you want to see what up here?” he questioned giving me a look. 

“Nope!” I crossed my arms. 

“Are you sure.” He said in a sing song voice, I clenched my jaw and looked away from him.

 “Fine I’ll go look at it all by myself I won’t even tell you if there’s anything cool.” He spoke as if talking to a child. 

When I didn’t react he continued climbing his fat ass up. He looked up when there was a creak as I made my way up behind him. 

“Ha I knew you coulde- Ouch.” I slapped him on the back to shut him up “No need to get so aggressive. Now slowly.” He said and took the rest of the steps as if they were glass. 

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