"Are you a cross dresser?"

That grade school brat had been grinding on Tsubaki's nerves from the moment he walked in. Had Tsubaki gotten a good night's sleep he might have had more patience, but that was not the case.

"Thank you for your insight dear, if you would excuse me for a minute that would great, he said getting up, and slowly walking towards the brat and his friends

"'Kay, that's enough. I think Shiro should take care of the tea for us, don't you?"

"Wow Haruhi, you're looking extra manly today," Karou stated only making the boy more suspicious.

"Now do what the boss says and let Shiro take care of that tea set. It's part of his training. You're too macho for tea sets," Hikaru added, making the already awkward situation worse.

'The kids got an eye on him'

"Now be careful with it. It's pretty heavy," Haruhi said handing the kid the tray of tea. He then proceeded to drop it

"It's not my fault I dropped it. It's your fault because you're the one who made me take it in the first place."

'Calm yourself. Strangling little kids is not good for business.'

"Haruhi, that's another 100,000 yen," Kyouya called over his shoulder.

"Don't worry Haruhi I'll take of it for you, Tsubaki said trying to cheer up his friend.

"Hey, you should make the cross dresser do all your stupid chores! I'm not here to carry tea sets! I'm here to learn how to make women happy," Shiro yelled.

"You won't get anywhere with that attitude. And I am not going to let you disrespect Haruhi!"

'He is so in love with her.'

"So... put this brat in isolation!"

'Wait what?'

"You got it, boss," the twins saluted. And out of nowhere a cage fell around the kid.

'How long has that thing been in here? Better question; WHY is it in here?'

The kid kept yelling and trying to pry apart the bars as Tsubaki headed back his table of anxiously awaiting females.

'I should get paid for this'

"Making women happy is the sole purpose of being a host. If this is what you really want, Shiro, then you'll have to figure out how to use the material you already have," Tamaki said.

"What does that mean," Shiro asked listening intently.

"You see, here at the Ouran host club, our policy is to use our individual personality traits to meet the needs of our guests. For example, there's Tamaki, who is the princely type. There's the strong silent type. The boy-Lolita type. The little-devil type. The Flirty Type. And the cool type. It's all about variety," Kyouya explained pointing to each boy as he listed their type.

"And now our group is complete with the addition of Haruhi, the natural."

At this point the club had closed and Tsubaki grabbed his bag and left. After all, Ryuu was waiting for him.

"Welcome princess. We've been waiting," Tsubaki greeted with the other members of the club as Hina walked through the doors.

'Hopefully this is the last day I see this kid I mean honestly how far is Tamaki gonna go with this kid? At least he's not a legitimate host that would suck.'

"We did a good thing," Tamaki said practically glowing.

"He loves with all his heart. So I guess that's one more way Shiro takes after you, huh Senpai," Haruhi asked.

'Loves my ass.'

"So you've been exchanging e-mails with Hina everyday now that she's in Germany?"

"Yeah, more or less. I like her, but she can get pretty jealous for an elementary school girl. She'd be upset if she knew I was with you ladies, so let's keep this our little secret."

'Did I not call it?'

"You brat, what are you doing?! Those are my guests!"

'Don't like him that much now do you?'

"Tsubaki, why don't you like Shiro," asked the girl who had previously told him he was in love, which hadn't helped his sleep at all.

"Because he's not naughty, he's a brat. And If he actually liked the girl like he says he does he'd be on the computer anxiously awaiting her next email. NOT sitting on a couch letting high school girls faun over him. In short he's a douche. How would he feel if his little girlfriend found out about this and shunned him, more likely than not, he wouldn't bat an eyelash," Tsubaki said semi-bitterly.

"Tsubaki he is only in middle school," said the fourth girl who wore a flower clip in her hair.

"So? He is obviously past the whole "girls are icky" stage. And when you like someone it's the same every time. The only thing that ever changes is the intensity of your crushes. And from what I could tell he really, really liked her… Now he's an ass."

Tsubaki's voice was quiet and sad, and angry. He looked disappointed.

"I was not a spoiled brat! I was nothing like him when I was a kid! I was a sweet, innocent, precocious adorable child! Do you hear me," Tamaki yelled at Haruhi. she had obviously overdone the whole 'you two are a lot alike thing'. Either that or the twins did.

'Finally someone agrees with me.'


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