Alone On the Docks

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After dinner, campers went to the camp fire, as per custom. Aside from random news, Chiron announced that tonight, there was no curfew, due to New Year's parties that were permitted, but were advised to keep down. People who just want to sleep tonight were advised to migrate to the Morpheus cabin.

Once the songs were sung (which were all just as corny as Luke remembered), the campers were dismissed to whatever cabin(s) they want for their partying (or sleeping). Luke decided he'd try to hang around in Cabin Eleven. Maybe it'd help him bond with his siblings.

Half an hour later, he was already immensely regretting this decision. The Hermes Cabin was probably more packed than all the other cabins, and definitely more packed than even Luke remembered it. The other campers were otherwise occupied, and even his new friend Ellie was busy chatting with some Iris campers.

I don't blame any of them, he thought to himself as he gently pushed himself through the crowd, towards the door. They all have their own friends, and I'm an invader.

He made his way briskly towards the Morpheus Cabin, when he realized he wasn't tired in the slightest.

Oh, well, he thought, looking around. It could be a worse night. Bet it looks great by the docks.

The docks were always Luke's favourite place at Camp - other than, of course, the Arena. The Arena was a great place to blow off steam, but the docks were great to just stop and listen as the world moves around you. You could sit for hours, just watching the water come in and out, and the sound of the waves hitting the surf was intoxicating. Anyone would find the scene relaxing. And it didn't hurt that the naiads were always there for... 'moral support'. Though Luke doubted they'd be there tonight; everyone was going to be partying, so why should water spirits be exempt from that?

He made his way towards the docks. They were simple enough; just a strip of wood jutting out from the surf for people to fish off of, or whatever else they wanted to do. There was a small wooden shed a little inland before grass turns to sand that held kayaks and canoes and other various recreational water-based activities.

He was right. The moon, though slightly chipped away, shone brightly in the sky, surrounded by stars and the occasional cloud. He was glad he had gotten a jacket from Drew, because it was a cold night.

As he approached the docks, he could make out a figure sitting alone at the end of it. He hoped they wouldn't mind him sitting on the other side, and kept walking out. He could make out long golden blonde hair, shining in the moon light, but that was it.

As he walked closer to the end, he heard the person sigh.

"I meant it, Percy," she said. "We're over. Why can't you just accept it? It's been weeks!"

"Um... I'm... I'm not Percy," Luke said awkwardly.

"Oh... Sorry," she said. "My ex just doesn't seem capable of letting go of the past... He came to my cabin's party to try to get back with me! The nerve..." She sighed again, composing herself. "Anyway, there's plenty of room for the two of us. Sit down."

The two sat in comfortable silence for a minute, then she spoke up.

"So why are you out here?"

"My cabin's way too crowded, and I'm not tired enough to head to Morpheus. 'Sides, it's a beautiful night."

"Which cabin are you from?"

"Hermes. You?"

"Athena..." She trailed off. Her Athenian mind was working slightly, and she decided to turn to look at her partner.

"Luke?" she asked, almost unsure,

"That's me," he said cautiously. "How do yo-...? Annabeth?"

He turned to see those all too familiar grey eyes staring into his wide sky-blue ones, and she nodded slowly.

"A-Annabeth," he said again, shocked. "You've changed."


I'd guess this is what one may call a "cliffhanger". But, hey. It's a fun chapter, and the next one is fun, as well. Well, I say fun...
And, so you're aware, we're almost done, here. There's only four more chapters; The end is neigh!

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