Story Time!

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As promised, Luke met with Elaine after lunch. They had decided to have their 'chat' after scoring some ice cream and finding a nice spot in the woods to sit.

He was licking a vanilla cone, and she was happy with her cup of strawberry sherbet. They were walking along a path into the woods. Eventually, they found a clearing with some sizable boulders they could use to sit on, and a creek running through to provide a place to wash their hands when they're done, as well as give a nice, peaceful feel to it.

"So, what's this about you destroying the world, Blondie?"

"Well, it's a long story, so I'd appreciate it if you wouldn't interrupt, Elaine."

"Just call me Ellie; it's quicker and less cringe-y."

"Whatever. I'm starting, now.

"A long time ago," Luke started, and his sister rolled her eyes at his cliche intro. "There was a woman."

"Are you really starting from the very beginning?"

"I have to, if you want to fully grasp it. Now, no more interruptions.

"This woman was born with the ability to see through the Mist - I'm sure you know what that is, by now -, and she was gifted with extraordinarily good looks. Her name was May Castellan.

"These traits attracted the affections of Hermes - our father. And when I was born, Hermes told May of this camp. So that I would be safe when I grew up.

"My mother came to this camp upon her discovery that the Oracle was hostless, to attempt to take on the Virgin Oracle's mantle. This failed greatly, leading to her mental break. She would spontaneously burst into 'Oracle mode', where her eyes would glow un-earthly green, and she'd speak in a raspy voice. Most of the time, she would clasp onto my shoulders as she wailed about my future, but it was gloomy and confusing and mostly terrifying. Keep in mind I wasn't even seven, and I couldn't even walk when she tried to take on the Oracle.

"Hermes would often visit, both to care for my mother and to baby me. Whenever he looked at me, it was a mix of regret, sorrow, and fright. He knew where my future would lead, but he was unable to do anything about it other than look at me like I was a pathetic time bomb.

"This wasn't the family life I desired, so, once, when I was seven years old, I told my mother that I was going out with friends and I'd be back for lunch, and I ran away.

"I was a few years on my own. Well, I say alone. As much as I would have hated to admit this, Dad was watching over me. I loathed him. Eventually, I found a friend.

"Thalia Grace, Daughter of Zeus. Spikey black hair and electric blue eyes, and she had a shield with a cast of Medusa that would send shivers down your spine. We owned the streets for a bit. Well, I say that. We were two fourteen year olds fighting tooth and nail to keep both monsters and mortals off us. Then, we found another friend.

"Annabeth Chase, Daughter of Athena. She was fiery, and had one helluva hook for a seven year old. Even if you didn't know who her mother was, you could tell there was something special about this little blonde kid. The look in her cloudy grey eyes was often intense thought. Like, super intense. What I'd've given to hear her thoughts... I'm willing to bet five minutes in her mind would spit me out a changed man.

"We roamed a bit, but we had be more cautious. A party of three is harder to conceal, especially with the power we had. We set up more permanent safe houses, and stayed light on our feet.

"Eventually, with lots and lots of drama, we made it to Camp. A satyr found us, and led us here, as usual. But, by the time we got to the boundary line, we had hordes of monsters on us. Everything that could be thrown at us, it seemed, was thrown at us. Our satyr, Grover, was insisting we had to keep moving, but Annabeth was injured, and we had to carry her between Thalia and myself. We weren't going to make it. The monsters were right on top of us. Grover was getting very panicked, and Thalia had a plan, but we wouldn't have it. She wanted to stay behind, fend off the monsters while Grover and I took Annabeth over the line to safety. Thalia was good, but, even on her best day, she wasn't that good. She wouldn't stand against all those monsters and last five minutes. Grover was the only one who thought it was a good plan. I refused to leave my best friend behind, and Annabeth, though she could barely comprehend anything, understood what would happen. She hated the plan, she cried and cried. But she was willing to accept it. I wasn't. I offered to take her place, or to stand with her. But she wouldn't hear it. She made me promise to look after Annabeth. I cried, I insisted. But, before anything else could happen, a heavy gust of wind blew me off the hill into Camp. And she made her last stand.

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