Phase 1

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When school ended you and Lapis met up at the quad/field. This was basically the center of the school. It was a place where students would hang out or walk through here to get to their classes. 

There were numerous benches and tables so you decided to sit down on this lovely table that was conveniently located near the numerous sectors of the girls dormitory. You and Lapis sat opposite to each other and began your plan to make Peridot fall in love with Lapis Lazuli

"So...what should I do make her like me?"

"Woah, are you in a rush or something Lapis."

"Whatever can we please just start already"

"Okay so Peridot loves this show and would literally die for any of her fav characters"

"Oh You mean uhm, Camp Hearts or something?"

"It's actually Camp Pining Hearts. So I was thinking, if I could help fill your head with knowledge from this amazing show that Peridot and I both love then maybe I can help you sway her with your newly gained info!"

"Y-You can back up now"

Your hands were on the table and your figure leaning forward excitedly towards Lapis, a bit too close in fact. You scan the area and notice how some people were looking at you, so you cautiously back up and calmly try to fix yourself

"S-Sorry" was all you could manage to say

"Haha I see why you and Peridot are such good friends. Now, let's start"

-Time skip brought to you by era2peridot-

"So this guy here is... Percy right?"

"Yeah and this guy here is-"

"Pierre! And this chick here is Paulette"

"Wow I guess you know a lot, considering how we watched 3 seasons straight"

"Yeah, I guess you're not so bad (Y/N)"

"You too La-" you froze

"What is it? What's wrong?" Lapis obviously concerned. Startled, you were having a mini panic attack beacuseeeeeee...

"Oh no it's her!"  (yeap)

"Her?! Is it Peridot? Should I-"

"Shhh don't look back she's coming! Be cool, let's uhhh let's  just continue"

You and Lapis continued chatting about Camp Pining Hearts, you were obviously nervous and Lapis just went with it until you were greeted by a soothing and caring voice projected by a tall figure with pinkish-peach colored hair  


"Oh why hello (Y/N), fancy meeting you here"

"Oh hey Pearl" you give a quick glance at Lapis. Her face was covered by a book (where did she get that book). She was clearly trying to hold in her laughter.
Damn it Lapis. Damn it. Damn it. Damn it.  Damn-
Your thoughts were interrupted by the same soothing voice

"So I since we're paired together for our math assignment I was wondering when you would want us to get started? The deadline's a week from now so I thought it would be better to get a head start and do the necessary preparations early."

"I can go right now! I mean, if that's okay with you" 

"Splendid! Oh but where are my manners, I can see how you're busy with your friend over here so I won't push you to come right this instant. Come by my dorm so we can get started, I know how you're friends with Amethyst so I see that you should have no trouble finding yourself there. So in the meantime I shall prepare some tea while I wait for you, goodbye"

You waved as Pearl was walking away to go to the girls dormitory "Oh okay. I'll be there"

When she finally disappeared in the distance you sat back down. The palm of your hand meet your forehead, with a defeated feeling in your chest you let out a sigh and removed the contact between your palm and your forehead and proceeded to make your head meet the table, face first. There was a long moment of silence, so you tilt your head upwards and see Lapis obviously trying to hold in her laughter. The book was open with Lapis using it to cover her mouth, the top of the pages were pressed against her delicate lips as her obvious attempt was successful so far. You gave her a mad glare but it only made it worse, the inevitable happened and Lapis bursted out in laughter"

"H-Hey! What's so funny!?"

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHA I didn't know you were such a smooth talker. I bet she's really excited for you to go to her dorm and is freaking out at this very moment"

"It's not like you can do any better with Peridot!"

"Haha wanna bet?"

"No way! I'm helping you so wouldn't that give you an unfair advantage?!"

"First one to kiss the person they like gets to have the loser do anything they want"


'Okay so I'm only doing this for one reason: to stop the teasing... if it's considered teasing
Yeah I know we have a temporary truce but after I help her and it dosen't work then wouldn't my problem increase even more? Ten fold??!? Hell no I don't want that

"Soooo I'll be on my way, I'm going to get a 'head start' on this bet" You grabbed your stuff, placed them into your backpack, stood up and started walking towards the girls dormitory

"Hey! We're not done discussing about Camp Pining Hearts!" Lapis yelled

"Sorry but I need to win this bet, good luck with Peridot though" you shot back

"Hey come back here!" Lapis obviously a bit pissed

"Sorry what? I can't hear you, I'm too busy walking to her room to hear you"

"You'll regret this (Y/N)!!" By this time you had already reached the entrance to the girls dormitory


You bowed down like how a gentleman would bow before he were to dance with the maiden of his choice. Those kinds of scenarios somehow found a place in your heart, you found it sweet to have the gentleman always ask the maiden if they will accept. The bow was equal to acknowledging and respecting your partner. 

But you added your little twist to it. You made it somewhat cheesy and dramatic with your exaggerated hand gestures and facial expression. Lapis laughed at this and you did too "Okay stupid just go, I know I'll win anyway so go" she gestured you to enter with a smile on her face.  "Haha nice joke, I didn't know you were a comedian".   Lapis easily replied to that comeback. "Pfft, I didn't know you were such a dork."  Lapis raised her eyebrow and had this sweet smile on her face. You didn't know what that look was so you just brushed it off. You felt the cringe crawling up your spine as you finally went through the entrance.

As you disappeared from Lapis' sight she remembered that stupid bow that you did.

 "Heh that dork" she said to herself as she bowed like a maiden before a dance. 

Start of Something New (Lapis Lazuli x fem reader) [human au/school life]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя