Man, again?

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"Here." He hands me papers and I open them, looking through them.

"What is it?"

"It's papers to get out of the military." He looks down and nods. "I love you baby."

"You remember?" I nod.

"Every detail."

"So you were faking the whole thing?" I smile and he sighs, walking off.

"Only most of it!" I let my hair out of my ponytail so I can straighten it. I feel my hair being tugged on and then I hear 3DMG gears running, pulling my hair closer and closer to it. I gasp, quickly cutting my hair. I look between the hair-filled 3DMG and Petra. I look at my blade that I pulled out in a panic and sigh, tears welling up in my eyes. Petra laughs, looking at me. "Petra, why would you take away my pride and joy?" I ask looking up at her.

"Because, you're uglier now." Tears roll down my cheeks as my body shakes I hear hooves and feet hit the ground.

"What the hell is going on here?" I look up to Levi.

"N-Nothing Corporal Levi." I whisper, sheathing my blade again. Petra begins laughing again.

"Don't lie to me Alexis, I can tell something's...... Very different." He says grabbing a strand of my chin length hair that is jagged and has long pieces that go down to my chest in the front. Petra tries to back away, but Levi grabs her collar. "What the hell did you do Shithead?!" She starts sobbing.

"She attacked me! She was going to kill me, I had no choice!" She yells falsely, drawing attention. A single tear rolls down my face and lands on the hand that is still holding onto that one lock of hair. His eyes widen for a second before going back to normal.

"Go get ready you liar, I will deal with you after this expedition." He growls, shoving her to the ground. He turns to look at me and speaks softly, caressing my face gently. "Why did you let her get your hair caught?" I shake my head.

"I didn't Levi, I took my hair down to straighten it and she shoved it into her 3DMG and cranked the gears and I didn't have a choice but to cut it."

"Such long and beautiful hair is now gone." He twists the lock of hair around his finger.

"I am so sorry Sir!!!" I yell and his face contorts to anger.

"Why the hell are you apologizing? It's not your fault, it's that idiots!" I look at him and tears fall again.

"I am so sorry Corporal!" I yell and he chuckles, pulling me into a kiss to shut me up. I feel a horse nuzzle me and I look to Levi's horse. "Hey Diablo." I whisper and Levi Chuckles, pointing to Winter. "Hi winter, are you ready?" She neighs and I smile, climbing onto her back. Levi gets onto his horse and we walk towards the squad. Petra is still pulling very long clumps of black hair from her 3DMG as we walk towards the town. "You should have thought that through. You will probably die now." I say and she glares at me.

My lift, my fall. (Levi X OC)Where stories live. Discover now