It's going down

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"Is shit about to go down?" I hear a cadet ask and I glance to see Mike nod. I feel an impact and blood flows from my skull as I am tossed to the floor. I look up to Levi who has a flash of guilt on his face before he goes angry again.

"You did it now! This face is my only good asset." I say making him smirk at me as I try to sweep his legs. He jumps and I kick my foot up and kick him in the groin. He falls to his knees and I stand, taking his head and slamming it against my knee. I get behind him and wrap my arms around his neck in a sleeper hold. "Say goodnight." I whisper and he chuckles.

"Goodnight." He says and is suddenly on top of me with his hands on my neck, cutting off my breathing. I knee him in the stomach hard enough to loosen his hands so I get a breath and my hands around his neck. We both begin to squeeze, neither one giving up until I squeeze too hard and one hand comes off of my neck to pry my hands off of his. We let go at the same time and I smile up at him.

"Tie. Now go shower and get into formal clothing, we are having a party tonight." Erwin states, helping me up. I cough heavily and nod, shaking hands with Levi. I look up to Erwin and smile.

"Erwin, is it okay if I stay close to you instead of Corporal during the expedition?" I ask and he looks down at me and nods, chuckling while he ruffles my hair.

"Of course." I look over my shoulder to see Levi clenching his fists.

"Good." I state grabbing his arm and flirting. "You know commander, you are an easygoing man. I am surprised you haven't met someone for a wife." I say sensually, making him blush.

"Well, I am picky. The closest thing that comes to wife material to my standards is you." I blush giggling.


"Yeah. Let me walk you to your bunk." I nod and he walks me there before pointing me towards a box set on my bed. I look inside to see a midnight blue dress that is shorter in the front and longer in the back with layers and blue and white pinstripes on the bottom of each layer. I look to see black silk gloves and smile looking at the midnight blue heels with white underneath. I look to see a note.

Alexis, please wear this tonight. I saw this while I was in town and thought it would look gorgeous on you. I would love to see you in such an amazing gown or dress or whatever you want to call it. I'm not too good at these things. SO, would you go with me tonight??? If so meet me in front of the training grounds.


I smile and slide everything on before walking towards the training grounds. My hair is curled, my lips are ruby red, making them stand out against my pale skin and dark hair and dress. I see Mike dressed in a tux and I smile, latching onto his elbow. "I was right, you look gorgeous." I blush and guide him towards the mess hall. "I want you to know Levi is in there with Petra." I shrug and sigh, walking in. As Mike guides me through the crowd, everyone turns to stare at me. "Told you." He whispers as Levi doesn't even glance my way.

"Mike, I want to tell you something."

"What?" I look up to him with tears in my eyes.

"after this expedition, I am leaving."

"What do you mean? To visit a friend?" I shake my head.

"No Mike, for good. I am distracting not only Erwin, Levi, and you. I am also distracting myself." He shakes his head hugging to me tightly.

"Please no!!!" I shake my head and push him away as Erwin walks over. He looks to me then to mike and upon seeing tears he turns to look at me.

"I am leaving the military after this expedition."

My lift, my fall. (Levi X OC)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum