"You... You still love me? After all I put you through?" He asked shocked.

"Love has his strange ways" I chuckled but I didn't even finished blushing because in a second his lips were on mine. The only warmth Ive had in the day flooded through me as he kissed me pouring all his feelings out. I caressed his hair while he pulled me in closer his hand behind neck and the other drawing circles in my cheek. We pulled out breathing heavily our foreheads touching. He pecked my lips again, smiling for the first time in months.

"You don't know how long I've waited for this" he breathed.

"Actually, I do know" I smirked at him.

"Fine, Miss. Know it-all, I'll let this little remark pass because I'm relieved that we are back and because I want to kiss you again" he leaned again but this time the door opened.

"Draco, Astoria, come" Narcissa spoke softly.

"Why?" Draco interjected, I thought because he didn't want me to go.

"They want to see you, you are the only ones who could recognize the girl" she said and walked down.

"They have captured someone from Hogwarts that's the only explanation I see" he whispered to me.

I shivered. "Hey", he took my hand, "together". I nodded and walked with him down stairs.

"Oh well, took you long enough to get here" Bellatrix snapped. Snape was there trying to keep his expressionless stare.

"Bring the girl" she said. And my eyes couldn't believe what I saw. Luna? My eyes widened.

Her eyes were big as always, she looked pale and her eyes had bags under them. She didn't look like she've been crying but, she looked helpless. I wanted to run to her and hug the life out of her, but I took a step and Draco pulled me back, widened his eyes and Snape stared at me. I couldn't blow my cover, that wouldn't help any of us. She looked at me and her eyes widened and then quickly going back to normal.

"I recognize this girl from somewhere, would you two like to share?" Bellatrix spoke again. I just realized in the room was a Dementor waiting to be freed from the Patronous spell Narcissa was casting.

Both of Draco and I fell silent

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Both of Draco and I fell silent. Bellatrix frowned and looked back to Snape, "Or perhaps you Headmaster"

"She is a Hogwarts student, and forgive me, but I don't particularly know her name" he said emotionless.

"Hmmm, you see this girl's father, Mr. Lovegood, has been writing some things my Dark Lord doesn't like. So in punishment because we all know what happens when you defy the Dark Lord, we've taken his daughter. Luna Lovegood" Bellatrix said rounding us.

I'm A Mudblood, He's A Pure One // A Draco Malfoy StoryWhere stories live. Discover now