Surprise! (Ruechari)

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To my surprise

Before my very eyes

The kitty slipped

Through the bars

And grew tremendous in size

And grew tremendous in size

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It happened in seconds

No time to react

He lunged for my throat

Sending me back

I slammed against the desk

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I slammed against the desk

My gun slid across the floor

He pounced on me again

Wanting to play some more

Wanting to play some more

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He wasn't a human

He wasn't a cat

He was something in between

What do I do with that?

This was my last thought

Before a massive paw

Came crashing down on me

Obliterating all I saw.

Obliterating all I saw

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"Now get over here

and set me free,"

Came from the witch

They call Ruby.

The kitty pulled on the bars

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The kitty pulled on the bars

Giving it his full strength

The steel didn't move

Standing ever vigilant against

The witch who was inside.

She grumbled and said,

"Oh, for heavens sake

What will it take?"

What will it take?"

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She had to get out

This she knew

If she wished to survive

the one they call Rue.

The Night of the MuffinsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora