Unger's Garden Nursery (lyttlejoe)

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Unger's Garden Nursery

Unger always liked flowers

He'd nurture and prune for hours

The aromas, the colours

They all made his day

And he pampered the soil of

Rich loam and clay

There was little he had

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There was little he had

Left him wanting

He'd always been good a planting

And amid the opening day din

Customers were dying to get in

It was a grave situation, and daunting

It was a grave situation, and daunting

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There were giveaway prizes

For the first twenty or so

A cute flower basket

Shaped like a casket

And a packet of seeds

They could sow

He knew all about shovels

And how deep to dig

With markers to locate the spot

And when sprouts breached the surface

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And when sprouts breached the surface

He gave owners a sign that read

'Compliments, Carl Unger's plot'

'Compliments, Carl Unger's plot'

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