Chapter Twenty Three

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Percy's POV

After Piper cut off the connection, I grinned weakly at her, "The Electroclan seems like they're doing okay, right?" Piper sat down next to me, "Yeah, considering their personal demigod super hero is in the infirmary." I rolled my eyes, "They worry about me too much." Piper mimicked my annoyed facial expression, "So do all the rest of your friends." She took my hand, "Even Annabeth, even if she doesn't know it right now." I had been trying to think about what the Hades I had killed, but couldn't. You wouldn't think so, but it was pretty hard to think when there was a high pitched wail screaming in your ears and projectiles being shot into you from every side. Noise and arrows. There was a thought digging at the base of my skull, teasing me with a memory my brain knew I could never reach.

Piper furrowed her eyebrows, "Are you okay?" I nodded, "Yeah. Just thinking." Piper was shaking with a suppressed laugh, "That's what I meant." I nudged her with my shoulder. Piper stopped laughing, "Alright, what were you thinking about?" I shook my head, "I feel like I know what cursed me, but I can't put my finger on it. It's just bothering me." Piper sighed, "Does it really matter right now? It's dead and you're alive and that's all that counts, right?" I put my head in my hands, "I guess. I think we should start heading to Camp Half Blood right now." Her eyes widened, "Right now? Like, right this minute?" I nodded. She stood, looking more worried than before, "C'mon, Percy. You just woke up, and you can barely walk." I looked up indignantly, "I can to walk." She chuckled, "You sound like a five year old right now. And if you can walk, show me." I met her eyes defiantly and jutted out my chin, "Fine, then." I stood up, but dizziness instantly clouded my vision, and I felt myself start to topple. Piper caught me under the elbow before I could tumble to the ground. She helped me sit back down and I groaned, "Maybe I can't walk. But I feel like something terrible's gonna happen to the Electroclan while I'm not there." Piper gave me some ambrosia, which I immediately shoved in my mouth.

Hazel appeared in the doorway, breathless. I shot Piper a pointed look, "See?" She rolled her eyes and went to meet Hazel at the door. "What's up?" she asked her, "Is it the Electroclan?" Hazel took another sentence to collect her breath and shook her head, "Well, kind of. It's Brayden. He tried to take Michael captive. Nico fought him off and he flew to Pasadena, in California.The Elgen Lab. Brayden's a legacy of Aphrodite, and he has charmspeak. That's how he managed to change the camp's ideas of you." I stumbled over to Hazel, using the door frame to hold me up. "Can I borrow Arion?" Hazel raised her eyebrows, "How did you know Arion was here?" I grinned cheekily, "I can hear him cussing from in here." She nodded, "Sure. Take him. But why?" I turned solemn, unable to keep the frown off my face, "Because I feel like something's up." Piper took out a drachma from her pocket, "Alright. You get to Camp Half Blood. Take Arion through the portal, and the journey should only be fifteen minutes. I'll IM Nico and tell him to keep a closer eye on the Electroclan." Hazel whistled and helped me onto her horse. I thanked Piper and Hazel and started riding.

Brayden had tried and failed to kidnap Michael. But why would he even try when he knew that there would be so many fighters, all much better than him, to protect the Electroclan. It was a ploy. Distract and attack. That's the only reasonable solution. It was a classic Annabeth move. She may be under the control of a monstrous spirit, and but her mind was still as sharp as ever. What could they possibly want to accomplish with this, though? Sure, they could kidnap a couple demigods, but that would only lessen our forces by a little. There were still plenty of others with powers, even if they weren't necessarily electric. I needed to see this through Annabeth's eyes. But how could I when she was so much smarter than me? Not to mention it could be completely irrational just to throw me off. I guess I would see when I got there.

We exited from the portal in the woods, and I started toward the Big House, swaying on Arion's back. A scream ripped through the air and I groaned. I just got here. Could I not have time to at least gather the Electroclan? Arion's ears perked up and I nudged him towards the sound. The landscape was a blur, and upon seeing the bright flashes of electricity only yards away, I had only seconds to yell stop and avoid making Michael Vey roadkill. Arion skidded to a stop, driving grooves into the dirt. He was limping worriedly, obviously trying to get somewhere but frustrated at the snail-like pace at which he was moving. "Michael!" I shouted, getting his attention, "What's happening?" Michael shook his head, "I don't know, but that was Taylor's scream." He was ticking really badly, almost looking as if he was spasming. I held out a hand, "Get on." I pulled him up, careful not to hurt his ankle. He dropped his crutches to the ground and wrapped his arms around my waist, "I hope this demon horse doesn't kill me." I smiled reassuringly, "It's not as if he can break the sound barrier. It's very probable that you'll survive the trip." Arion whinnied, annoyed, and uttered a few phrases I'd rather not repeat.

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