Chapter Two

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I got nothing to say except that all credits go to Rick Riordan and Richard Paul Evans.

Percy's POV

I woke up, tears still flowing freely down my face, my pillow drenched. My eyes were probably swollen and red, but I didn't care. I wasn't going out today anyway. Or tomorrow, or the day after that, or the year after that, or ever again. I just wanted to die and go for rebirth. That way, I wouldn't ever have to deal with these memories again. I punched my fist through the poor pillow, stuffing flying into the air. Great, now I'm just like Octavian.

The door opened and I hid under my covers, pretending to be asleep. I heard feet shuffling until someone finally spoke. I already knew who was here. Leo, Calypso, Nico and Piper. I wonder where Jason was. Oh, right. He was in New Rome, overseeing a shrine for Kympoleia. The one here was actually not bad. Got her jellyfish dreadlocks represented to a T. Or was it a D?

Piper cooed softly, "Percy, we have blue cookies. They're fresh from the oven."

I felt my body stiffen. Cookies. Until yesterday, the only thing almost as good as Annabeth. Well, except my mom. I knew better than to shoot up for the heaven of cookies, though. She was just trying to get me out of the cabin. Not gonna work today, though. I stayed strong.

"Dang, he really is depressed. He never says no to cookies." I hear Leo say, probably to Calypso.

She sighs, "Perce, we know you're awake, why don't you have some cookies. You already missed the blue pizza at dinner last night and the blue pancakes at breakfast." I stiffen even more. So good. No, Percy, stay strong. I can do this.

"Why don't you go visit your mom?" She continues, "We'll go with you." Then she starts singing and I just can't help myself. Dang, it was more powerful than Piper's charmspeak.

The covers fly up and above my head. I hear Leo whooping in victory. "Fine!" I grumble. "Just let me change."

They all smile as they walk out the door. I stop them. "Wait!"

They look back with worry clear in their eyes. "Leave the cookies!" Piper just rolls her eyes while Nico snags one from the plate. "NO! DEATH BREATH STOLE MY COOKIES!"

Nico smirked and shadow travels out of the room. Leo takes two more and zips off, probably to Bunker Nine. Calypso and Piper both sigh, "Boys." And followed the cookie thieves out of the room.

What was I doing? I was doing something extremely heroic. Something only fit for the greatest heroes. I, Persassius Jackson, two time hero of Olympus, was crying over the loss of my cookies, while eating more cookies. Poor blue cookies. Entitled to a horrible death in the pits of Leo and Nico's stomach.

I got up and washed my face, feeling energy seeping into my skin. Then I put on my Camp Halfblood T-Shirt and jeans and met up with the others at the door. Leo and Nico were standing there sheepishly, the girls holding onto their ears as the tried to run away.

"Come on!" Nico complained, "It was just one cookie! Leo took two!"

I shot them my infamous death glare. He started shaking while Leo whimpered and hid behind Calypso. Then I just looked at them and stated, "Let's go see my mom."

Nico shook his head. "I need to stay here. Someone's gotta put Brayden in his place while you're gone. Stupid idiot thinks he's so great! Son of Zeus. Oh my gods! I killed a hellhound without training," Nico continued in a falsetto, "I'm so amazing! Better than Percy Jackson! Bet he couldn't kill a snail! What'd he do?" Nico snorted, "Doesn't know what he's talking about. Killed the minotaur without a weapon. Son of Poseidon. Beat Ares at age twelve. Saved the world, not once, but twice." He just kept talking, but I didn't stay and listen. I knew that I was only alive because of Annabeth. But now that she ditched me, there was no point in staying alive.

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