Chapter Eighteen

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I know it's been a while. Thanks for hanging in there. 

Percy's POV

I sank like a rock to the sand under the water. It's not really that different than the sand on the beach, but I like it because we're... you know, underwater. Not only that, but no one can follow me down here. Not the stupid sons of Zeus. Not the Aphrodite kids trying to give me a makeover, not the Stolls who want to prank me. No one.

So I learned that the Electroclan's powers come from master bolt prototypes. Prototypes are often unreliable and don't last as long as the real thing. But the Electroclan's had their power for like, sixteen years without fail, even if they only started up later in life. Taylor's booted up when she was seven or eight, and Michael's had it since he was really little. So that means the little lightning bolts inside of them have different time spans. But, being cyclops made, they've managed to work for the past decade. I should go and talk to Tyson. He'd know what to do.

I swam down to the Cyclops forges, completely aware that they are fire proof and I'm not. But we're underwater, so what's the worst that could happen?

Let me just tell you, I am still underestimating things like this. What's the worst that could happen? You never ask that question when you're a demigod. Because as suckish as my life already is, the Fates are really creative and keep on making it worse. Before this turns into a full-on rant like the one I had on the beach, I'd better tell you what exactly happened.

So I walked in, all, 'Hey, my brother's a general in the cyclops army. Can I see him?' and the guard grunted and let me in. I walked for about five seconds before the front of my shirt was practically incinerated off of me. I forgot that I'm the guy who can keep himself dry underwater and light a match submerged in a river. Silly me. So I walked through the forges, very careful where I stepped and found Tyson! And I shouted, "What's up, little bro?" And of course, my little brother isn't so little anymore. Not only has he grown to be taller than the six feet that he already was, but he's been working in the forges and the Cyclops army for so long, I forgot that he hugged like Mrs. O'Leary. And BAM! all of my ribs cracked, my shoulder dislocated and here we are. 

I grinned, "Hey, Ty. I was wondering, who's the oldest cyclops in your forges? You know, someone who, say, was alive when they were making Zeus's master bolt?" Tyson shrugged, "I don't know, Percy. Where's Annabeth?" I swallowed hard. I can't tell him that his second favorite demigod, the first being me of course, broke his first favorite demigod's heart. That would break his heart. And that would be nothing short of catastrophic. I stuttered for a little bit, "She... uh... She's... G-Getting you some peanut butter, big guy. Yeah, that sounds believable." Okay, maybe I shouldn't have said that last part, but Tyson was so happy he didn't even hear it. 

"Yay!" He shouted, clapping. A dark figure appeared behind him and I pulled out Riptide, uncapped. It rose to its full height and growled. I pushed Tyson behind me, "Stay back, Tyson." He laughed, "Why? That's just Brontes. He's really grumpy all of the time." I tilted my head, "You're Brontes?" The Cyclops nodded gruffly. "I was among the three eldest cyclops. What is you interest in our bolts?" I spread out my hands innocently, "Nothing. I was just wondering where your prototypes went. I mean, a masterpiece like that couldn't have been created in one go." He scowled, "Quit your flattering, boy. As for our prototypes, they were lost to time. Someone stole them. I had assumed they were trashed, but now I have reached other conclusions." I nodded, "Well, Brontes, I have learned that it was Tartarus's minions. I wanted to know how stable and/or the lifespan of one of the prototypes. If it was hypothetically placed into the body of a mortal." He grunted, "I know of the mortals, boy. I am surprised they have not died already. They were only to last for a decade. Although, some of them booted up later. I give them a couple of months before they go away forever." I felt my face pale, although I hoped they didn't notice. I had another theory. The other electric kids that died. It wasn't from cancer. It was because the prototype malfunctioned, killing them. Then I realized the timestamp.

Shockwave (Percy Jackson/Michael Vey Crossover)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz