#8 - The end

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Hello everyone, I just want to confirm that this is the ending of this fanfiction, but don't worry, I made this long then my usual ones for you

1285 - words! So enjoy my lovlies!

He was fixed

It took months of therapy

Weeks of trying to figure out the problem

Days of  blame and anger

Hours of  fixing

Minutes of kind words by sweet faces

And seconds away from healing


"Take deep breaths my son... calm your mind and find the source of all your suffering"

Mikey calmed himself as much as he could so he could concentrate on only his breathing

There he saw a dark cloaked figure- it was laughing

Michelangelo tried to get a better look- but it wasn't needed, because soon enough the figure pulled down his hood. It was himself. He saw his own reflection laughing, lips bleeding, skin shredded and eyes of a maniac


'He' continued to laugh till tears will spilling down his cheeks

"W-what's going on..who are you!" He yelled

The figure bent over laughing, blood droplets falling to the ground

"Why Michelangelo! I'm you.." it snickered as it stepped closer

"I'm the Michelangelo that's always laughing and smiling"

He continued to step closer but mikey couldn't mentally bring himself to move

"I'm the Michelangelo that's always begging for approval"

The bloodied copy pushed the mental figure of mikey down

"I'm the Michelangelo that dose stupid things for stupid reasons..." 

Mikey started up at his copy with fear

"You're not normal Michelangelo, and you never will be .... your just a lesser version of your brothers .. a pathetic, disgusting.. FREAK!"


"How long have they been in there.." Donatello asked from his lab

"2 hours ... maybe more .. I haven't been keepin' count" Raphael's gruff voice replied 


Raphael went back to numbly poking his punching bag, while Donnie took off his googles and made his way to the living room- and sat on the couch

Leonardo was sitting on the floor blankly looking at the television screen which wasn't even running

"Hey Leo.... want me to turn the tv on?"

It took a moment or two but Leo replied

"No... no thanks Donnie"

Donatello awkwardly put the remote down and tangles his hands together- for the past hours he had been working in his lap

Rebuilding things, studying the mutagen ... anything, absolutely ANYTHING to keep his mind away from the suffering his baby brother was going through

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