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Hello, everyone! Are you ready to go!

* with Leo and raph *

It was dead silent in the living, where both Leonardo and Raphael sat uncomfortably on there couch, the room was dark as the night its-self, though seemingly more eerie as though all the stars and moon had fallen from the sky and burned out, but to put it simply.... It was as dark as coal

Aside from a thick vanilla candle leo insisted on lighting, it seemed to give him some peace of mind so raph didn't argue and say candles are lame and they always stink up the place with a creamy, sweet aroma, He learned to dispise....

"I did this too him.." raph muttered shoving his head in his hands

"You didn't do anything raph mikey just-"


Raph gripped leo's shoulders and brought him lower so there eyes would meet

Green and blue

Land and sky

Brother and brother

"n-no, you don't get it! I did it! It's my fault"

"Raph! Let go! It isn't your fault!" Leo struggled against him

"It is!"

Raph gripped tighter, fingers digging into leo's shoulders

"How is it your fault!" Leo struggled even harder


Leo went numb

"W-what..... raph-" there was clearly shock in those blue orbs "you don't mean that.... do you?"

Raph sunk into the couch pillows
"I do leo, I hate myself for it but I do leo....... w-we were fighin' and then .... I just blurted that out and stormed off- I- I didn't think he'd take it literally! ... I always make empty threats, l-like, a month ago he almost got us kidnapped in our training exercise with sensai and I told him to jump of a rooftop, he ...... didn't do anything then...." he already felt tears steaming down his face

"Sensai made you do 10 back-flips for that while mikey ate pizza in front of you" leo's lips slightly twitched up

Raph gave him a strange look

"Aren't you mad?" He asked in a slightly strained voice

"Furious" leo said "but- I know it isn't your fault..... and how would beating you up further help us? All it will accomplish is making you break down with guilt and make the rest of us even more...." leo couldn't find the right word to explain how to describe there family in this current situation


Leo glared at him "no..... as long as we're together, there's never a broken moment, no matter what...... we'll get mikey through this"

He pulled raph into a hug

"I promise"

Raph rubbed his wet eyes "you should publish your own book..." he smiled softly "you pillow-case"

Leo smiled back and stood up, face darkening again, with only a slight speck of pride on him

"I'm going to go get sensai..... he's probably still meditating"

He wasn't surprised that sensai hadn't payed attention to there screaming before, after all, he had trained to block out all disturbances.........

But leo was pretty sure sensai felt it..... The pain, the confusion, the agony

He was probably still trying to decrypt it to the worst possible scenario..... but nothing ..... would beat this

Hope you enjoyed all the cheesy-ness! So please leave a comment and hit that ....... vote button for more!


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