Ichigo x Naoto Edition: "Merry Christmas with you~!"

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Ichigo x Naoto Edition: "Merry Christmas with you~!"

Naoto is by himself on the most popular and important holiday to most. His sister busy with her Aikatsu, his mother away for work. What does he do on this holiday? Hang out with his band mates? Not possible, they have to spend time with their family. It just happens, a certain 'Strawberry' is also lonely of this very day; Christmas.

Prints were left in the snow one by one, step by step. Snow fell from the darkened-gray skies, as frozen water fell slowly from the clouds and to the ground. A black haired male was the cause of the prints, continuing to walk and leave his boot prints. Every time air escaped his frozen lips, condensation occurred, the ability to see your breath when the weather was extremely cold. The nip of his nose all pink and red, his lips going pale and as cold as the ice itself. A buttoned up, long coat kept the warmth around his body, dark red gloves that was gift from his mother, 2 winter ago secured his fingers from receiving frost bite. Wearing long, blue jeans, and brown boots. What finished his outfit off was the matching scarf created by his sister also 2 winter ago, as it kept his neck, ears, and what other parts it covered his face. Black-messy hair that suited him well, with half of his face covered with it. Matching pools of honey-yellow eyes, he was the lead singer and band leader of, "More-Than-True." Secretly hiding his identity as a janitor that works at Starlight Academy. His name was, Suzukawa Naoto.

Stores were closed, the owners taking a break to celebrate a special holiday. It was winter, and only some holidays were celebrated in the winter, the most famous one, Christmas.  No, today wasn't Christmas, but it was Christmas Eve. Unlike most teens, who would spend time with their family on this gift-giving holiday. He had been doing the complete opposite, his mother worked over sees ever since his father died in the car accident. It affect his family completely, everyone growing apart slowly and slowly over the years. He found himself with music as comfort at the time, but soon it was much more, it was his life. His sister was to "Busy" with Aikatsu! He couldn't spend it with his older sister. Why not spend time with his band mates? Well, they had family, and unlike Suzukawa, who's family is always separated, they were always together. He loathed and envy the time everyone is having. As the streets were held empty, and the roads were blocked by the snow.

It seemed that he was the only one alone that he knows of, but, he's wrong. There was someone else, some one who couldn't meet their family because of the roads. Some one who wouldn't get to spend the holiday with her best friend, Aoi. He opened the school gates, creating a huge lump of snow to be made. His hands went numb and cold a bit, from the touch of the outer world. He closed the gate once again. He had no where to go, and he knew the principle, Orihime, wouldn't mind. She knew of his circumference, or at least predicted this to happen. So, she already told him he can stay.

He opened the door to the dinning hall, he could feel the warmth get absorbed from the place. He sighed, and started to take off his coat and scarf. He turned on the light, and surveyed the place. Everything was the same, nothing really, the usual dining hall it was. There was a coat rack next to the door, so he hooked up his things. He sighed. The heavy clothes off his shoulders, feet and neck. He went to the kitchen, and was planning to warm himself up with a chocolate-heavenly drink, called "Hot Cocoa." or aka, hot chocolate.

He entered the kitchen, and searched for the ingredients. He used to make this with his family when he was younger; a tradition. When he was grabbing something out of the fridge, the sound of the kitchen doors opened. He snapped his attention toward the door, suddenly surprised by the sound. Two pairs of eyes collided together, one of crimson red and the other of yellow darker eyes. They blinked at each other's existence. "Hoshimiya?" Naoto was the first to speak. "Suzukawa-san!?" Their names called ringed in each other's ears.

Couple Minutes Later...

"In the end, the roads were block, and there was no way for me getting home. *Sigh*" Ichigo and Naoto were both in the kitchen, sitting on some chairs and talking at how they are now with their families; Ichigo just finished. Naoto frowned and felt bad for the bunny-bow girl. But Ichigo isn't the type to be sad for too long. She perked up when she saw ingredients, earlier from Suzukawa, on the counter. She jumped off her seat and walked over to the ingredients. "Making something?" She examined each of the ingredients. Suzukawa nodded. He noticed the curiosity held in Ichigo's eyes, that he couldn't help find amusement from this.

"Its a special hot chocolate me and my family make for Christmas. Do you want me to make you some?" He carefully watched her expressions. Her eyes glowed, and she straightened up. "Hai." Her voice was enthusiastic. He liked her attitude. "Just wait a bit. Okay?" Ichigo nodded and went back to her seat. He sighed, and started on the warm drinks.

The air brimmed of melted chocolate and vanilla; it felt warmer than it did before. Ichigo watched Naoto's movement's. He carefully measured the whole milk, and slowly poured in the milk. He grabbed a whisk and whisked the things in the sauce pan; getting rid of the lumps. Ichigo was surprised, he looks so professional. "Amazing! Suzukawa-san." Naoto snapped out of his attention, and turned toward Ichigo. "What do you mean?" He acted all cool as usual. "You looked like a professional when cooking." Her smiled brought something warm in Suzukawa's chest. "Its nothing really. I'm used to making this specific drink especially." He turned back to the drinks.

He finished everything off, while adding the finished touches. "Finished." He grabbed the two clear-glass mugs, and brought it over near Ichigo and where he sat. He placed the drink near Ichigo. Steam hovered over the drink. "White?" Ichigo questioned. The drink was not brown, like the usual hot chocolate, but instead it was white. It had whipped cream covering the top, and rainbow sprinkles were on it. And a silver spoon was placed next to the side, a top a napkin. Suzukawa already took a sip out of his drink, and he stopped to answer Ichigo's question. "I used white chocolate, not the usually dark." He took another sip. Ichigo starred at the drink, and slowly brought it up to her face. She took a whiff of it, and she cool smell the chocolate and vanilla. "It smells nice." Her voice was soft, calmer than her usual self. Her expression was soft, as if just the smell of it brought nostalgic. She finally took a sip, blowing on it so it won't burn her tongue.

Her eyes widen. The drink was delicious, she could taste the creamy-white chocolate blend perfect with the vanilla and whole milk. As it slid down her throat. She whip cream and sprinkles was a special touch. Her chest warmed up. "Oishi." She cheered. Secretly, Naoto was watching her. For some reason, he was hoping that she would like the drink, and not think ill of it. And he got just what he wanted, as he smiled. He hid it behind the mug.

The two talked with each other, it was a very comforting feeling. "Ne, Suzukawa-san. Why aren't you with your family with the holidays?" Ichigo curiosity got the best of her. Ichigo just stared, and was unsure to answer. Ichigo could feel it. "My mom's overseas, and my sister is busy with Aikatsu!." He finished. His voice was colder, and it held hints of sadness and hurt. "Than... what about your dad?" Naoto didn't even talked once. "Not here." He stated. "What do you me- LEAVE IT ALONE!" He suddenly screamed. Naoto's outer exterior, broken by such a touchy topic. Ichigo flinched; shocked by the sudden speech. "Gomen." The two fell into awkward silence. It wasn't as happy, as before.

Naoto sighed. "Gomen. I didn't mean to snap at you like that." Naoto looked at his drink. It only had a quarter bit left. "Its fine. It was also my fault as well." Ichigo said. Guilt building. "Its just... my dad died. In a car accident."... "Suzukawa-san." "And even though its been so long since he died. I still... miss him." Ichigo went over to him. And suddenly she found herself hugging him by the neck by behind. "Mou~ you don't have to keep talking. Its fine." She whispered to him.

"I... really miss him." Something slid out of Naoto's face that day. 'This is what Suzukawa felt.' Ichigo thought. They stayed that was for a couple of minutes. Until he finally stopped with the tears. "Hey... you can stop hugging me now." He went back to his older exterior. "Oh. Gomen." She let go of him. "Really. Some girl seeing me like this. How embarrassing." He muttered to himself. Ichigo couldn't hear him. 'Demo...' He starred up at Ichigo, who was washing the dishes and cleaning up. "She's not some girl."

"Oi Hoshimiya. That's not the soap."

"Eh? WHA-!" Ichigo slipped on the floor, and she messed up the dishes.

"ITAI!" Naoto soon smiled.

More Than True + You (Aikatsu! Fan-fic) [Ichigo x More-Than-True]Where stories live. Discover now