Karmagisa ~ Games (of jealously)

Start from the beginning

Karma didn't bother responding, even though it wasn't true. Right now he wanted Nagisa, and he refused to be denied that.
"How could I leave my dear Nagi now?" Karma teased distractedly, his attention undivided on Nagisa.

Nagisa didn't bother protesting against him. Instead, he stared intensely at Kanzaki's screen. She narrowly avoided the pixelated bullets, causing Nagisa's breathe to catch. It was a miracle she hadn't died yet!
"It must've taken you so long to get this skilled Kanzaki-kun!"

"That's what happens when I devote most of my free time to it," Kanzaki replied quickly, eyes focused on the screen.

A look of distaste crossed Karma's face. Was Nagisa seriously ignoring him in favor of his classmate? A slight thread of anger waved through him, before it turned to jealously. It had been far too long since he'd last had a moment with Nagisa to himself.
"Come on, Nagisa!" Karma ordered, grabbing the smaller male's wrist.

That snapped the blue-haired teen out of it. He tried tugging his wrist out of Karma's firm grip but to no avail.
"Karma!" Nagisa glared slightly, before it turned pleading. "C'mon we'll have time together later!"

Karma scoffed, refusing to let go. "We haven't gotten any time together at all Nagisa. You've been too busy with Kanzaki."

Nagisa's sea-blue eyes widened at the dangerously jealous tone in his boyfriend's voice. "Karma," Nagisa began, getting slightly frustrated at the taller male, "I know you want to spend time together but it can wait until after this ok?"
The instant that slipped out, Nagisa knew it'd been the wrong thing to say.

"Fine then." Karma dropped his hold on his wrist suddenly, anger and hurt swirling in his golden eyes. "Talk to you later, Nagisa-kun."

Nagisa winced; that hurt more than he wanted to admit. Meanwhile, Kanzaki had lost her game while listening to her classmates argue. "Go after him, Nagisa-kun," she sighed softly. In all honestly, she was surprised. Usually Karma would never display this much emotion and jealously openly for someone. A small smile broke onto her face while Nagisa apologized profusely before dashing away with a distressed look on his face. Rio had been right.
The two cared about each other so much more than everyone knew.


"Karma!" Nagisa tugged on the red-head's sleeve, but he was viciously thrown off.

"Go away Nagisa."

"But Karma-"

"No." Karma his his emotions behind a cold mask, but inside his heart screamed for him to turn around, to embrace the petite male in his arms and hold him close.
But he held himself back. After all Nagisa probably cared more about Kanzaki's video games than him.

Nagisa dropped back dejectedly, letting his classmate think he'd given up. Lessening his presence. Nagisa refused to let Karma go around moping because of him-he owed him that much.
So he hung back, watching the mercury-eyed boy wander through the crowds.

Eventually, Karma cut off from the main paths and through a park. It's was very empty, with a few flower gardens, a playground structure, and a few Japanese cherry blossom trees scattered on the outskirts. Karma sat behind one of those.

Nagisa rolled his eyes at how similar his actions were to when he ditched school. Still, he stealthily made his way behind the assassin, very careful to make his presence as unnoticeable as possible near the observant red-head.

Soon, Nagisa was directly behind the tree Karma was sitting against. He appeared to not have noticed him. So Nagisa stepped out from his hiding spot and in front of his boyfriend.

Karma closed his eyes to rest, but when he heard movement behind him his senses perked up. Who-or what- was watching him? Karma felt their presence in front of him, but he refused to acknowledge them. Maybe whoever it was would just leave him alone. He wasn't some lost, helpless teen. They shouldn't stick around.

Then the person sat in his lap. Karma stiffened instantly, prepared to throw the person off as he opened his eyes.
But when ocean-blue eyes and tuffs of sky blue hair met his gaze, Karma relaxed a noticeable amount.
"Nagisa. What are you doing here?" Karma grumbled, shutting his eyes again. Nagisa was way too persistent, so Karma figured he might as well hear the boy out before making him leave.

"I'm sorry." That was it. A soft, genuinely apologetic whisper. Two hands rested lightly on Karma's chest. Karma cracked an eye open, and silently cursed himself.

His boyfriend looked adorable, sitting on his lap and gazing at him intensely, trying to make him listen. Listen. This wasn't the first time Nagisa wanted him to listen was it? Nagisa was always so sweet even to someone sadistic like Karma. Maybe he was overreacting. But still, Kanzaki... Karma let out a long sigh at the battle in his head.
"Just forget about it."

Nagisa's eyes widened slightly, before a soft grin spread over his face and he curled up against Karma's chest. He rested the side of his head against Karma's chest and listened to the taller boy's heartbeat. It's beats were like a river, flowing smoothly and having an odd way of leaving you relaxed and calmed. "I'm sorry for making you react that way. You'll have my attention all night though ok?" Nagisa smiled one of his brilliant smiles and Karma couldn't help but smirk back.

"I hope you're ready for tonight Nagi," Karma purred into the smaller male's ear lightly, "It's gonna be so fun."

Nagisa shivered delightedly at his words. Those words held promise for an interesting night, one his classmates would no doubt tease them about. Jealously was a powerful thing, Nagisa concluded with a smile.

I'm so tired why..
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