The man In The yellow suite

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"There's only two boxes left." Joe said hanging a Christmas decoration. "You know, at this rate, we'll be finished by easter." I replied smiling. Joe chuckled "Don't even." Then Barry quickly finished putting the ornaments on the tree. "Okay, the only red-suited dude I want in this house right now is Kris Kringle, you got it?" Joe told him Barry rolled his eyes while I Laughed. "Uh, these ornaments are not gonna hang themselves. Mm-hmm. Grandma Esther's recipe... Light on the bourbon." Iris said handing me a mug. "Mmm." Barry replied. Joes Phone rang. "I always loved her definition of light." I said smiling. "And the Christmas tradition continues. Detective West. Yeah? All right. Sorry, kids, the D.A. wants to ask me some questions. Make sure there's some nog left for me when I get back." Joe said. "No promises." I replied as he left. Me and Iris took Barry's mug out of his hand "What's happening? Hey. Come on. Oh, come on, we're doing this already? Christmas isn't for a few days" Barry protested. "We couldn't wait any longer. Oh, wait, me first.Okay." Iris said taking the present out of his hand. "My mother's wedding band?" Iris said shocked in a good way. "A replica, yeah. You were devastated when you lost the real one. Our fifth-grade field trip...To the zoo." They said the last part at the same time. "You cried for weeks. Here." Barry said putting it on her. "You remembered." Iris said. "Yeah." Barry replied "Steel trap." "I don't know what to say. My gift so sucks in comparison..." Iris said unsure about her present. "No." Barry said reassuring her. Barry open it is a new microscope the latest model to be exact. "It's supposed to be the best one on the market. I thought you could maybe use a new one. It's lame, I know." Iris said thinking Barry didn't like it. "No, no, this is great. I love it" Barry said liking the present. "Yeah?" Iris asked unsure. "Yeah, of course" Barry reassured her. There was a Knock at door. "Hey, babe. Hey, Barry. Nice ring." Eddie complimenting her. "It's beautiful, isn't it? It's an exact replica of my mom's. Barry got it for me." Iris told him. "That's very thoughtful, Bar. So are we tree trimming?" Eddie said. "Yeah. Come on.iris said making her way to the tree. I guess I'll have to wait to give them there present. That really annoying.

"Merry Christmas. Just a small token of my gratitude..." Barry started. "Aw." Dr. Wells said thankfully. "For everything you guys have done for us this year." Barry finished. "I think I speak on behalf of my colleagues when I say you've been a gift for us, Barry and Bethany." Dr. Wells told us. "What's that?" Caitlin asked as Barry pulled out Grandma Esther" famous eggnog. "This is compliments of Iris... Grandma Esther's famous eggnog." I told them. "That's what I'm talking about." Cisco said wanting to try some. "Maybe later for me. Wouldn't want to drink and drive." Dr. Wells said pun intended. I whispered "Did I say something wrong?" "No."Caitlin replied. "No, guys. He, um... this used to be his favorite time of year, but the accident happened before Christmas, so... Kind of ruined the holidays." Cisco explained. "I'm gonna go get him a present. Maybe that'll cheer him up. Beth you want to come?" Caitlin asked. "Sure bye Barry bye Cisco" "Thank you very much." Caitlin said to Barry for being the eggnog.

"was that or Stephen Hawking's new autobiography, and we both know how he feels about Hawking. Okay, I'll talk to you later. Bye, Cisco." I said hanging up the phone. Me and Caitlin though we saw someone but we brushed it off. At the car we saw a reflection of Ronnie on the car. We turned around and saw him walking away. Me and Caitlin followed him. His head and arms went into flames and his eyes were pure white. Caitlin grabbed my hand and we ran to the car and drove away quickly.

there was a meta-human spotted at Mercury Labs but get this Barry said it was the one who killed my mother. "The witness described seeing a yellow blur just like the one that killed Barry's and Bethany's mother." Joe explained. "Then we need to get cracking and stop this speed psycho. That... I wasn't trying to give him a name." Cisco said. "The crime scene at Mercury Labs was on a floor with highly secured vaults, and the witness said he was looking for something." Barry told us. "Whatever it was, he wanted it badly enough to kill for it." Dr. Wells added. "Doctor, what do you know about this Mercury Labs?" Joe asked. "Mercury was one of S.T.A.R. Labs' major competitors until our little setback, and then it catapulted to the forefront led by Dr. Christina McGee, brilliant but egocentric physicist." Dr. Wells explained. "it says here Dr. McGee has secured half a billion dollars in private funding to develop, and I quote, prototypes for the technology of the future." Cisco said. "well, I'll be. Tina's messing with tachyons, superluminal particles." Dr. Wells told us. Of course. "So what could someone do with one of those..." Joe asked not quite sure how to say the word. "Tachyons." I reminded him. "Thank you." "Well, I don't know. Become invincible? if you could devise a matrix stable enough to harness their power, you could travel faster than light." I told them "How did you know that?" Joe asked. "like I have been saying I know stuff a lot of stuff." I replied. "He's gonna try to get them again, so we need to get what Mercury has and use it as a lure." Barry said. "Exactly right. Cisco, Caitlin, let's start engineering a trap." Dr. Wells ordered. "You got it." " Of course." Caitlin and Cisco replied.

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