Epcon (chapter 16 or whatever)

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I wake up to hear yelling and shuffling. I jump up to reveal my suitcase ready and packed. I grab Mystery and put her in the carrier. I pull on my socks, grab my boots, pull a brush through my hair, the grab my suitcase and fly down the stairs. I run out the door and throw my bag in the back and quickly sit down. This is soon followed by Adam, Max, and Ross. We set out and make it to the airport on time. We pay for our tickets then run to the plane and get on. I grab Mystery and sit down on a chair to feed her treats. We get ready for takeoff and I strapped my seat belt. The rest of the ride can me summed up in "I'm hungry! When are we going to get there? Can I eat? What time is it?" And most of that was Ross. We finally get there and I head straight to a cab with Mystery. I seat myself inside and we go to our hotel. We reach our destination and I check in. I go upstairs and I am greeted by a hug. I look and see Conner hugging me and I hug back. I then run to my bed and fall on it with Mystery. I let her out and she explores every inch of the new environment. I sigh and fall back on my bed and turn on the tv. Conner sits next to me and together we lay watching shows and movies.

Hey guys and today for some of you depending on when you are reading this. I just wanted to share a scary story.

People have to vote for either Hillary or Trump.

Ugh it just send chills up my spines. I hope I didn't scare you too much. But you know what's worse...it's a true story. Bye my little Fennec foxes 🐺.

adopted by skydoesminecraft (mute)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora