Chapter 16 : Never Coming Back.

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"Don't look too close, it's dark inside. It's where my demons hide, it's where my demon's hide."
- Imagine Dragons, Demons.

The snow wasn't going to stop.

It had been snowing since the last three days, without a break, and the sun wasn't even coming up, but since it was 5 in the morning, Sebastian just assumed that somewhere out there, somewhere in the world, the sun was just coming up, preparing to illuminate the whole town in it's light.

Here, it was just dark. Everything was black and white outside.

He winced as there was a severe throb in his head, and he drowned the seventh glass of whiskey in a single gulp.

The covers rustled behind him, and he just took a bored glance at Princess Alexandra lying naked under the covers, as she groaned and twisted, but her eyes were still closed.

Sebastian rolled his eyes and looked back, out of the window.

He was getting bored of her. He'd spent the last three nights with her in his bed. And every night she just made the same horrible squeaking noises, she didn't even kiss that well. He'd assumed that she had had experience, but she was just as clueless.

He sighed and put the glass down, then walked towards the mirror in his room. The guy who stared back at him wasn't Sebastian. He had dark circles, his cheekbones sharper than before, his eyes looking like he hadn't slept in ages. The blue in his eyes was dulled out. His ribs were kind of more visible over his chest, and Sebastian closed his eyes tightly.

He wanted this to be a dream. Wanted this sorrow to end as soon as he woke up. He wanted to feel like he was living.

And he wanted to see the Princess of Archensheen with him.

He wanted her to hold his hand. Wanted her to touch his cheek. Wanted her lips to touch his. He craved for her warmth when everything was stone cold inside him. Craved for her light when he was stuck in the dark.

But he knew it. He had always wanted the things he could never get. The things he didn't deserve. His subconscious laughed at him.

Three days.

Three days since she'd seen Sebastian. And not even a glimpse after that. He had somehow disappeared, never showed up in the halls, she never saw him out at all. The last time she'd seen him, it was when she'd smacked him for defending someone that she would've done too if she would've been in her right mind.

She was regretting it now. This was bigger than she'd ever thought. She'd smacked a Prince. A Prince of one of the most prestigious Kingdoms. If he would've wanted to, he would've had her exiled in a second, with a proof against her. The woman was the easiest witness he could hold against her.

But he hadn't. There wasn't even a word from him, no clue he even existed anymore. And it had started to make the guilt in her feel like a large gaping hole that was slowly eating everything in her.

She knew this time, nothing would be the same. She'd known it the moment her hand had touched his face, and there was not a single doubt in it. She didn't have the courage to face him. Not in a million years.

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