Merli FanFic -- Be Gone --

Start from the beginning

        Merlin could feel himself coming to and he knew that he was hurt bad. He felt his shoulder burning and he felt like hell. He opened his eyes and found himself in his and Gaius’ chambers on Gaius’ bed. Merlin looked around and found Gaius with his back to him working. Merlin was glad to see him and tried to get up. He hissed as he felt the pain go through him. He fell back down and Gaius turned round. Gaius saw Merlin and breathed a sigh of relief, he was okay. Gaius went over to Merlin and patted his good shoulder.
“Don’t get up yet Merlin. You have a nasty wound to your shoulder.” Merlin nodded and sighed. He then remembered everything that had happened. The Ekimmu. Arthur. Merlin using his magic. Merlin gasped and tried to get up ignoring the pain. Gaius pushed him back down gently but Merlin was resisting. Gaius couldn’t understand why Merlin looked so panicked.
“Merlin you need to rest.”
“No. I have to find Arthur.”
“Arthur is having council with the king.” Merlin felt even more panicked. He pushed against Gaius and finally Gaius let him sit up. Gaius supported his back as he sat. Merlin looked at Gaius.
“What is the matter Merlin?” Gaius demeaned.
“Arthur knows I have magic.” Gaius felt numb. He finally knew the reason why Arthur looked at war with himself. He knew Merlin’s secret.
“How? You should have been more careful.” Gaius couldn’t believe it. Merlin would be killed. Merlin was like a son to him and he couldn’t bear to lose him.

“I know Gaius and I’m sorry. I had no choice. It was either use my magic and be caught or let Arthur die. I had to save him.” Gaius nodded. He understood why Merlin did it.
“I have to see him Gaius.” Merlin said trying to get off the bed. Gaius shook his head.

“No Merlin, you are much too weak. You have been out of it for a few days and need to recover.” Merlin stopped struggling. He was confused. If he had been out of it for a few days then why wasn’t he dead already. Had Arthur told Uther?  He looked at Gaius.
“Has Arthur or Uther spoke to you about this?” Gaius shook his head. Merlin smiled and felt happy. Arthur hadn’t told Uther. Maybe he wouldn’t and maybe Arthur would let Merlin protect him. Gaius looked confused at Merlin. He couldn’t understand why he was smiling at a time like this. He would be dead if Uther found out.
“Why are you smiling Merlin? This is serious.”
“I know Gaius but if I’m not dead already that means that Arthur hasn’t told Uther. Maybe Arthur won’t tell Uther.” Gaius seemed wary. He didn’t seem to buy that story as he has known Arthur his whole life and Uther has trained him to hate magic and to punish those with magic.
“I don’t think that’s the case Merlin.”
“Then why aren’t I dead?” Merlin had got Gaius and he knew it. He felt that there might be some hope. Merlin dodged Gaius and stood up. He felt a little wobbly still but stood still until it passed. He then went to his room slowly and grabbed a new shirt. He came back down tried to put it on but found that it hurt too much. Gaius sighed and came and helped Merlin.
“Thanks Gaius.” Merlin then grabbed his jacket and managed to put that on himself and headed for the door.
“Where are you going Merlin?” Gaius asked right behind hm. Gaius knew that Merlin was still weak from the attack and needed rest.
“I am going back to work.” Gaius couldn’t believe it. Merlin had been near death and was already trying to get back to work.
“You need rest Merlin.” Merlin looked at Gaius fondly.
“I will rest later.” He then left the room before Gaius could say anything else. Merlin felt better now he was walking through the castle but he still felt weak. He was cold and pulled his jacket a little closer to him and ignored the pain from his shoulder and headed towards Arthur’s chambers. He passed Gwen in the corridor and she stopped.
“Merlin! You’re okay.” Merlin smiled. He always liked Gwen.
“Yep. I’m back to normal.” He then went on and found himself outside Arthur’s chambers. He heard a bang and then decided that it was his cue to enter. He opened the door and found the room a mess. Amour was everywhere as well as clothes. Merlin couldn’t believe it. He had been gone a few days and Arthur had managed to make everything a mess. He was such a dollop head. Merlin then looked up and found Arthur tripping over the clothes on the floor as he put a shirt on. Merlin couldn’t help but laugh.
“I am gone a few days and then I come back to a huge mess.” Arthur recognized that voice and then hurried to put his shirt on. He then saw Merlin standing awkwardly at the door. He studied Merlin and saw that he was still too pale and looked exhausted. He needed rest.
“What are you doing here Merlin?” He saw Merlin shrug and then wince.

“I came back to work.” Arthur shook his head.
“You need rest Merlin.”
“I’m fine.” Arthur sighed. Merlin could be as stubborn as he was at times and he found it ever so annoying. He then remembered that Merlin had magic. He looked at Merlin and felt sad.
“Merlin you have to leave.” Merlin laughed.
“I’m fine Arthur don’t worry. I can fix this room up in no time and then I will rest, I promise.” Arthur shook his head frustrated that Merlin didn’t get what he was saying. Merlin was equally as confused as Arthur never told him to leave unless he had done something wrong.
“No I meant you have to leave Camelot.” Merlin was stunned and then felt hurt. Arthur saw the hurt on Merlin’s face and tried to ignore it.
“Why?” Merlin asked knowing the answer already. He hoped that it wouldn’t come to this.
“Merlin you have magic. I am the king’s son and I can’t ignore it. I am not going to let you get killed so you better leave now. I will tell my farther in one hour and by then I want you gone. I am doing this to save your life.” Merlin was devastated. Arthur was turning against him after everything.
“Go Merlin.” Arthur didn’t give him a chance to explain. He wanted him gone before he changed his mind. Merlin felt the tears in his eyes.
“Goodbye Arthur.” He then left the room. He was going to have to leave Camelot forever. He was going to miss everything including Arthur.





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