Their discovery - (Stiles POV)

Start from the beginning

So here I am currently walking back from my delusion in the woods, just hoping that my dad won't be too pissed that I am coming home today, or that he has blacked out from drinking too much. The buzz of the alcohol has worn off and I am just tired. Tiredness flowing through every muscle, every bone, every ligament, every organ, hell even every pour. I feel like I am dragging sand bags through a blizzard and I have no final destination to take them too. Meaning I'm lost. I've been lost for months now. The sand bags dragging me down. Getting heavier and heavier, the snow swirling faster and faster. I just want it to stop, just collapse into my soft welcoming blankets of my bed and fall into a sleep with no nightmares and stay there. Forever.

I reach my back yard and walk at a slow pace up to my back door. Is it mine, can a home be your home if you are not welcomed there. I stop to contemplate this with my hand touching the cold metal knob of the door. The wind has picked up slightly and the cold ripples through my body in shuddering waves. I tremble, what is he is still awake. What if he is drunk. What if he... I am prepared,I put up with shit from everyone, what is one more person. One more person that you think loves you, one more person whom you love like you could never love anything else, one more loved one to leave me, abandon me, forget me. I take a deep but shaky breath and twist the knob.
He sits at the kitchen counter with his back to me and I wonder if I would be able to sneak past him with out him even having to know I came back today. He would never come to check my room, he hasn't been into it in month? Years? To be honest I don't remember the last time that we talked to each other. Where we gave each other our undivided attention and just talked, in fact the only times I had ever seen him in the past 6 or 7 months (maybe it was getting closer to a year now? I can't remember.) was when I had been dropping food off to him at work to make sure he was eating right. I started to make my way to the stairs in hopes that I would be able to get up the stairs before he noticed. I wasn't lucky. But than again am I ever.

"I thought I told you not to come home today". Crap! "I ummm.... I just wanted to sleep in my own bed". His fists clenched. "I... I promise that I won't make any noise... it... it will be like I am not even the-" He cut me off. "GODDAMN IT BOY!". I flinched when his fists connected with the counter with a clashing thud. I flinched again as the 3/4th empty bottle of vodka fell off the counter and burst into hundreds of small pierce. I flinched again at the sound of the chair scrapping against the floor as he stood up and began to walk over to me, he walked straight up to me, advancing on me as I tried to scurry away. "WHY CANT YOU DO ANYTHING I FUCKING SAY!" I could feel tears pool in the bottom of my eyes as I tried not to cower away from my father. "I...I..I'm..sss-", I began to stutter out but he interrupted me again. "YOUR SORRY! NO YOUR PATHETIC!" he screamed the words into my face and I flinched back, my back hitting against the wall.

I felt a single tear slip down my face and inwardly cursed myself, this time my father spoke in a hissing voice, almost a whisper, "your crying now, what right do you have to cry, uh, uhhh". He grabbed my face in his hand and roughly flicked my face to meet his eyes. When he began shouting again I began to sob as the word were spat into my face. "YOU KNOW THE TRUTH STILESSSS", he said my name with so much hatred and disgust I flinched hard. "YOU KILLED HER, YOU KILLED THE WOMAN I LOVED! WE WHERE HAPPY BEFORE YOU CAME ALONG AND THEN YOU KILLED HER, AND NOW I AM LEFT WITHT HIS PATHETIC, WEAK, HYPER ACTIVE LITTLE BASTARD! YOU KILLED YOUR MOM STILESSS. AND YOU KNOW WHAT, YOU ARE KILLING ME!".

I was full out sobbing like a little baby, "no. No. I didn't". I was shaking, trembling with the sobs that racked my body. He let go of my face only for a second later his fist to come back down and connect with my jaw sending me sprawling to the floor in a sobbing mess. My vision had momentarily gone black around the edges, that we some upper cut. "Yes, yes you did" and with one last slap that sent me to the floor he hissed, "go to your room, and don't even fucking dare to come out until I tell you or you have good reason". He marched up to the one of the cabinets and pulled out another bottle then spun around stumbling towards his bedroom on his way spitting on me where I lay on the floor. I waited until I head his door slam shut before getting up on shaky legs and slinking up the stairs as quietly as I could.
The rest was a blur of colour, no sound, no emotions just colours and shapes twirling around me. My head was spinning, I couldn't tell if it was my vision or whether my vision was being obscured by tears but either way everything looked like it had been given a whizz in the blender. I reached my room and flung open the door. The air was thick and I was finding it hard to breath, I needed to get air into the room. I stumbled over to the window and unlocked it, pushing it open and taking in massive gulps of the cold crisp winter air.

I panted in the air for a moment longer before managing to effectively stave off a panic attack. I was still shaking slightly but I felt nothing I was numb. Numb. Numb. Need to feel. Need to feel. Need to feel. I began my journey to the bathroom. Open the cabinet. Take out my box. Walk back into my room. Sit on the floor with my back pressed against the side of the bed. Deep breath. Let it out. Numb. Deep breath. Let it out. Numb. Deep breath. Open the box.

I tipped forward slightly and yanked off my plaid shirt, the long sleeved shirt following. If I had been paying attention. If I had been able to be aware of anything but my self and my box I would have heard the gasps. I picked up a blade and pressed it to my scarred inner arm. It I had been aware I would have heard the crying. I slid the blade down my wrist and a shaky smile appeared on my face. I could feel. If I was aware I would have heard the whimper. Another cut. I could feel. And then someone grabbed my wrist nocking the. Ladd out of my hand. I whimpered. "Stiles, look at me". My whimper turned into a sob and I looked up into the slightly blurry face of Derek Hale. "I am real Stiles.". His warm hands came up to cup my cheeks. "Come on let's get you cleaned up while Lydia packs your bag, we are going home Stiles". I slipped forward and sobbed into Derek's strong chest. And I sobbed and sobbed and sobbed.

I kept my eyes directed down at the floor the whole time, while he whipped my arm and bandaged it. While he handed me a new shirt. While we went down stairs. While he knocked on my fathers bedroom door. While my dad shouted at the disruption. While Derek growled at my dad to tell him I was leaving. While my dad thanked him for taking me away. While he called me worthless and pathetic and disowned me. While Derek pinned my... the sheriff to the door and told him he was an atrocity to human kind. While Derek led me to the awaiting Porsche that Jackson had ran and got. While Lydia put all my belongings, absolutely everything into Peter's car behind it. As Lydia clambered in next to me and gave me a worried look. As we pulled away from my childhood home. As Derek came and led me into the pack house. As Derek led me to his bedroom. As he sat me down on the side of the bed. As he slipped off my shoes. As he tucked me into the sheets. As he kissed me on the forehead. As he walked out the room, turning off the light on his way out. As I fell into black oblivion.

A/N -
Hello readers, this is chapter 14... I believe and the pack have finally done something!.Next chapter will be form where chapter 12 leads off and will follow the lines of this chapter just Derek's POV. Next chapter to be posted on Saturday!

Disclaimer - I DO NOT own these characters, they are from MTV's Teen Wolf and where created by Jeff Davis.

Also please go check out my new story, 'How to save: the boy with the sea green eyes". It's a Percy Jackson and the Avengers crossover and the first chapter is up, will be updating on that story every Tuesday!

Happy Reading,
Shadow xx

Walls, Masks and Plaid Shirts (Book One of the 'Plaid Shirts' series)Where stories live. Discover now