*Mature 16+* Chapter 48

Start from the beginning

"I still can't believe you did this to yourself. I mean, I see the many layers of skin that tried to heal over before you cut through them again," He motioned to them  "Then what about Louis and the rest? They won't let me be with you after everything they learned. . ."

Niall trailed off as he dropped his gaze to my hip, and confusion tugged on my veins. They won't let us? I don't recall agreeing to a relationship, though I wouldn't mind one. And I knew that ' I'm fine ' was anything but. And when did anyone give a opinion on my love life and I actually listened?

"I tried so hard, I still am trying to fix you back," My eyes zoned back in the present and my eyebrows frowned as I listened  "I'm trying to put you back. I'm trying to make you unafraid of me and willing to be around me but cause to that dinner I have to start over."

"Who said you had to? And I am willingly around you." I tilted my head.

Niall lightly shook his head. "No, I mean around me the way I want you to."

I don't think Niall might have been thinking through what he was doing when his hands cupped the warm skin of my hips and pulled me into him, soon though he knew what he did and slowly retreated his hands.

"And whatever was said back at that dinner doesn't faze me." I took it upon myself to put my hands on the sides of Niall's face and lift it up till our eyes sparkled in a trance.

"No one's input about you changes what I think. In this situation, I know you more than they do and I know you changed so that's all I care about."

Niall mumbled something along the line of me knowing something before I wiped the heels of my hands softly on his pink tinted cheeks then offered a small smile, placing my hands back on his neck.

"I only care about the present now, remember?"

Niall grinned at this and stared back down at my lips. It was now that I registered our exchanged exhales as we breathed and the smell of hairspray filled my nose, my eyes flickered to my hands and I let them move slightly to the bottom of his ear so I could stretch my fingers and rest them in his messy hair. Not having access to whichever hair products made his quiff to not even exist so instead it was tucked behind his ears, a little lower on his neck and on his forehead making his eyes more bright. It was still soft though and I nearly took some of it out his head when the door burst open. I jumped and moved back already seeing Niall's eyes on me before we both turned to the ajar door where Bradley stood with a hand still on the knob, he didn't speak right away and switched gazes between us taking in our position that probably looked weird. His eyes suddenly stayed on me. Niall's head slowly turned to me while I tried to guess what he was doing here but temporarily got off course when I felt Niall's body tense under my hands then he looked back at Bradley.

"What do you want?" Niall seethed making my lips pout when the unwanted visitor smirked and tore his gaze from me.

Puzzledly I looked down to see what they both could be staring at and froze when I saw that my shirt pushed my breasts having them practically leak out the top of my shirt. Perv. I fixed my shirt discreetly when Bradley started.

"I brought a wrapping for Mrs. Horan."

My head snapped up at his words then he took a step forward and presented a fake smile.

"I mean Ms.Serrano. I brought a wrapping for Ms.Serrano." Niall snatched it from Bradley's grasp as the smile got bigger when he looked back at me then soon re-left.


|1 Week Later|

I tried to battle against the evil whispers swarming in my head as we fought internally and started to get a headache cause of it, I was sitting comfortably in the chair in my stupid new dress I was just placed in maybe two hours ago. A red heart shaped dress with a zipper in the back from the top to the bottom of the dress with black flats. I think Bradley's obsessed with heart shaped dresses cause that's all I wear and I told Niall of that whole dress up thing and he too had no idea why they're doing it but asks me not to interfere cause he wouldn't be there to stop them if anything happens. As the days progresses my heart starts to grow more anxious every time the door opens because I don't know if their coming to take Niall away, I still haven't prepared myself for such a thing and the question keeps bugging me.

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