Chapter 44

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I slept all the way into the next morning that some starting worrying. Not that that was a shocker. I went to the kitchen earlier for water and ran into Louis again who told me that Zachary didn't come back yesterday, like at all. He didn't worry me though because he's here now and seems to be perfectly fine, and I know what you're thinking; what time is it for me to be up and Zachary to still be here? Well it's like 11 o'clock in the morning and Zach's staying here for the day.

I know, that's horrible. It is and I only feel more horrible about this ' Aiall ' thing that the teen population made up. Nice ring to it-- but I have to fix this mess I made and I intend to later on. Right now isn't later so I'm wrapped in Niall's blankets once again writing ' Aiall Aiall Aiall ' everywhere on a piece of paper while the guy himself is at the foot of the bed on his phone. I wrote the name in different size, shapes and fonts, it was silent for long minutes until he broke it.

"What are you?" He asked but later started laughing.

"What?" I glanced at him in confusion then went back to my drawing.

"I tried nailing your accent to a part of the world," My hand froze "but I came up blank."

I felt my heart stop and my blood run cold. No, no, no. He was asking me of my bloodline, where I'm from. And normally no one would panic but I had a fair share of that question and I never had comfort in it ever since. What will he say if I tell him? Will he laugh? Will he be disgusted? Will he make fun of me? Will he hate me for it?

"Do you know?" Niall obliviously asked.

My hand tightened around the pencil just when he glanced at me then looked away and did a double take when he saw my demeanor, his brows furrowed as he looked down to my hand then back up my face.

"Do you?"

When I went to public school, when I was bullied for four years, I was asked this question many times. Brokewood is known for welcoming everyone who wants to stay but I think my family is the only one's in this mildly big city with the bloodline that we have and my bullies made fun of me when I told them. I didn't let them see it got to me but it made me hate myself. It's my mother's side of the family that made me and my sister an odd breed and I don't want Niall knowing about it. They teased me of my original language before I was taught the American language and even teased me about some words I still miss pronounce and the high pitch-ness I put in my ' E''s.

"Aria," Niall's voice snapped me from my thoughts "You don't like defining people by race? That's why you won't answer?" He switched gazes between my eyes.

"That's not it."

"Then what is it?"

"Tell me. . ."

I can't. Niall's face continued to turn in confusion when I never answered, he lightly sighed and reached behind him. He sat back in his seat searching for something beside him before something brown was in his grasp to which I knew what it was, he looked at me with raised eyebrows before offering the penny to me. My heart started to quicken pace when I slowly reached for it.

"But you'll make fun of me." I whispered though he heard perfectly.

My hand couldn't get to the brass quick enough before he snatched his hand into a fist and narrowed his eyes.

"Make fun of you? Why would I do that?"

My lips reclosed themselves making Niall look from my eyes to them, he sat up and moved closer to me making me sit further back but I was already pressed against the wall as it is.

"Why. .would I make fun of you, Aria?" Niall said more sharply than before while studying my expression.

I still said nothing but I felt my hands clamp up as the minutes passed. Suddenly he trapped my two hands in one of his.

Hostages (Book 2)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora