"Stop doing that and answer me."

It was when I glanced at my hands that I saw blue nail polish pieces on the paper I was drawing on.

"Because they did it to me before." I sigh and looked back up.

It again went quiet. "Tell me where you're from. You're. . ." He generously started for me.

"Half American and half Bulgarian."

I refused to let myself blink as I waited for the reaction that was sure to come. And sure enough a slow smile popped up on him. It made me tense.

"Bulgarian?" He asked with slight amusement, it reminded me so much of freshmen year causing my chest to hurt.

"I never met a Bulgarian before."

Wait, what? Niall looked at me as if we first met. All over my face then below.

"When you look at it," He tilted his head "you do look like you could be from Bulgaria. . . Who's ' they '?"

"Um. .a few kids from school." I wasn't expecting Niall's reaction but I was scared to tell him of my bullies. I don't know why, but I feel if I told him about them, he'd think their reaction was more suitable for knowing my heritage. Or he'll laugh at me for being bullied once upon a time although he knew I was from the time I told him when we had that encounter back at their house when I came out the shower.


"My bullies." I quickly said and retrieved my hands.

Niall's brows furrowed and he glanced down to retake my hands. "They didn't like that you were Bulgarian?"

"They laughed that I was. They told me that I'm destined to have a long skinny nose with bushy eyebrows and become a farm girl that wears potato sacks as clothes that eats hay because I was Bulgarian."

I looked up at him when he snorted a laugh.

"That's not funny." I pouted when I told him.

He shook his head. "You're right. It's not, that's not what I was laughing at."

Next he slithered his strong arms under mine and around my waist, pulling me to sit sideways pressed against his side sparks and heat engulfing me and probably us.

"The fact that you listened to a single word they said, is why I laughed." Niall corrected.

"They obviously was wrong and only jealous that you had such a rare and royal blood running through your veins. You're beautiful and turned out as the brightest, bravest, and smartest than all of those people."

"Royal blood?" I felt like a child mumbling to him as I looked up to meet his stare.

"Yeah, Bulgarians are royal in many ways. Status, wealth, looks, customs. You didn't know that?"

I shook my head and started to pick at my nails again. "And how do you know? You never met them."

"Because I just know. And I would never do that to you. I hate bullies, I hate the bullies that picked on you let alone being one to you. And you're gorgeous inside and out, so I have nothing to tease."

I smiled as he pressed a kiss to the top of my head and tighten his arms around me.

"Don't listen to anyone who tries to change you or make you think different of yourself. Okay?"

He bent his head to look me in the eye before adding, "And I'm including myself."

His eyes were so beautiful. They sparkled their mysterious glint when he spoke. I pursed my lips and nodded returning the gaze.

Hostages (Book 2)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें