"Damon you can't go against 26 vampires. You'll loose. You may have Stefan but is he really that much of a help? I mean he drinks from bunnies." I frown.

Damon laughs, "You worried about me Ari?"

"Of course I am, Damon. You're my friend, I worry about my friends." I sigh. Does nobody ever worry about him?

"That's very thoughtful Aria but I've been alive for some time. I can take care of myself." he smiles.

"I can still worry." I glare at him playfully.

He laughs again and shakes his head. "Only you Aria could worry about some psychopath vampire."

"Yup, and you better appreciate it." I smirk. My phone buzzes and I look to see Elena sent me a message.

You were taking too long and I don't like you with Damon so I left. You can walk home, that's your punishment for talking with him.

"Seriously Elena?" I mumble but Damon hears me perfectly clear.

"What's up?" he asks.

"Elena left me since I was talking to you. Guess I am walking home." I groan.

"I don't think you should. I mean there is 26 vengeful vampires running around." Damon frowns mocking me. But I think he is actually worried.

I get up and punch him on the shoulder. "Thanks but I've been around some time now Damon. I can take care of myself." I do my best Damon macho voice.

He laughs, "Seriously though, be careful. Wouldn't want you tripping and messing up that pretty face."

"Aww, thank you for worrying Day but I can handle walking. See ya later. Oh and if you do decide to attack the tomb vamps, please be careful." I call out behind me as I walk out of his room.

I take the steps down two at a time, almost falling twice. I guess that just proves Damon's point. Stefan sees me and gets of the couch walking over to me.

"Elena left, she told me-" I cut him off before he can finish.

"I know she sent me a text." I sigh heading toward the front door.

"Alright, be careful." he yells as I walk out the door. I roll my eyes, I think it's just in Stefan's nature to care about people. Especially since I am Elena's twin sister.

I don't get far before I hear some branches snap behind me. I spin around but see nothing there.

"Okay.....that's not creepy or anything." I mumble and continue to walk. I get about 20 more steps before I hear more branches snap behind me. I spin around and see nothing again. Seriously? If this is Damon I am going to kill him. Slowly.

I turn back around and bump into something. I gasp and jump back seeing the man that called me Katherine the other night.

He's a tomb vampire.

I start to scream but he puts his hand over my mouth and injects something into my neck. I start to feel very tired and I sink to the ground but he catches me.

"Who are you?" I whisper groggy. He smiles and I feel myself drift oft farther. I look back at the Salvatore house one more time before giving into the darkness.


I open my eyes but my vision is still a little blurry. I try to reach up and move my hair out of my eyes but my hands are tied behind me. Ugh, why is my head pounding so much. It feels like a super bad hangover.


Crap! I struggle against the ropes but they won't even budge a little. I start to scream but a voice interrupts me. "I wouldn't if I were you." I look up and see a man I've never seen before.

Arianna Gilbert (Vampire Diaries)Where stories live. Discover now