Chapter 13- The Ressurection of Lady Gorgon

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Sharp serpent eyes gazed through the window, slithering to gander at another angle.
"I finally have enough substance. I collected the amount of female blood needed to regenerate my body. Right, Akuhei?"
Faded grey eyes snapped up, his dark hair speckled with peppery grey flecks, caused by time. A man in his late 50's. He nodded silently, half engulfed in the darkness; only small parts of him were lit up by the tungsten lights of the building beside them.
His tall frame was crouched down as he sat in the snow, a small brown sack with a drawstring sitting next to him. "Sure thing, Lady Medusa. You got me out of there- I'll do anything you require me to do."
A snake no longer slithered through the snow- instead a slender woman stood in the snake's place. Her skin, pale, seemed to glow. Blonde hair stood on her head, two large lengths twisted within each other around her collarbones.
Her skin twitched where the black snakes marked on her arm was.
Her acid eyes opened wide. She took a sharp breath.
Akuhei squinted at the witch. "Perhaps to match your cold heart?"
"Lady, you're being too loud. We will be found out. And I don't suppose you would want to be found naked either."
Medusa glared. "Well, I can't help it. And for cold hearts, you're the one to talk." She hissed.
Akuhei sighed. "Good thing you asked me to come prepared. I gathered your old clothes." He passed the sack of clothes to her.
A few minutes later, Medusa observed- fully dressed. Akuhei stood next to her, towering with his sheer height and strong build.
"How long were you in prison for, then? Come on. I need to get to know you seeing as we are tethered to each other." Medusa asked.
Akuhei nodded. "Nineteen years. Would've been serving a life sentence."
"What for?"
"Murder. And domestic abuse."
"I understand the murder part, 'cause I did kill someone." He explained, kicking his foot in the snow. "However."
Medusa looked at Akuhei with a hint of curiosity. "Go on?"
"I shouldn't have been charged with domestic abuse."
"How so?"
"He deserved it. The little piece of shit had it coming." Akuhei cracked his knuckles. "If it weren't for him, I would have achieved my goal."
Medusa smiled. "The goal you told me about?"
The serpent witch grinned, her facial features twisting in an ugly and sinister manner. "I really do like your methods. Perhaps I did make my match after all.
Akuhei nodded. "So then. What's the plan?"
"We attack at midday."
"In open sunlight? That's crazy! They'll see us!"
Medusa nodded. "That's the point. They tend to expect us more at night, so more people follow to their instincts and prepare for a night time attack. I work a bit differently. I don't mind being seen, especially at a time they don't expect."
Akuhei looked at the Gorgon with surprise. "So, what do we do?"
"We attack and see what they can throw at me. I've given you your power. You're at your full potential, see? A Kishin's work never fails."
"Perhaps I wouldn't be near to Asura's standard, seeing as he was a reaper's child-"
"Yet you're the product of the most well renowned witch for her power." Laughed Medusa. "You're sinister; manipulative. You know how to fight yet you can twist people into insanity with your very words."
"That is very true, my lady."
"Ah. And Akuhei? You do know your individual goal is the same as mine?"
Akuhei nodded. "Yes."
"We do think alike, don't we?"

Morning broke in the lodge and breakfast was quieter than usual. With the fears of the Witch's return, the different meister/weapon pairs each devised a separate attack plan to take her down.
"Ox and Harvar should totally go in to the left side. It's most likely that she won't come alone, so we need defenses." Killik suggested, the Pots squirming nervously in his lap. "We need the strongest fighters to fight her directly. I'm not sure if I would make the cut, but I'm sure some of us would do it."
"Don't say that, Rung." Soul told him. "You're a pretty strong guy, you and the little ones there."
Thunder shyly smiled at the scythe whilst Fire cheered with joy. The outburst of delight made Soul smile.
"Good one, you two. We need some positivity around here. That way we'll plan without breaking ourselves down." Soul added.
Maka nodded. She had recovered quickly. "I think all of us should attempt equally at her. We all possess different abilities, so if only one or two teams attacked then she'd know our strategies and how to avoid our attacks."
"You got a point there, Albarn." Killik agreed. "We should do that."
"I say we just surrender this mission altogether." Ox said.
"No. That'd be the exact opposite of what we should do." Hero disagreed. "We'd be vulnerable in that position. The only choice we have is to fight. Even weak losers like me have to. At least I'm not willing to give up, like you."
Ox scowled. "Hey! What is with your big mouth? I made a suggestion. And yes! You captured your meaning well. You're the weakest and sorest of sore losers."
"Well I fought back because I'm sick of being your excuse to feel good about yourself." Hero spat. "Good enough?"
Ox slammed his hands on the table. "Well, Hero? At least I'm not as good as dead!"
Without much warning, a fist collided with Ox's face, knocking his glasses off his face and his body jerking back.
"Ah!" He glared up to see a surprising sight. A usually cute and kind natured girl stood over him, furiously.
"How dare you! You should never tell anyone that they're better off dead, especially because they proved you wrong. For all you know, none of us could see tomorrow. Your ego is the least important thing right now to worry about. Don't be so selfish." Her reprimands brought the entire room to silence.
Hero sighed. "Thank you, Rinko. I was rude also. I'm sorry. To you too, Ox."
Ox stood silent. He glared at his weapon partner.
Harvar shrugged. "She's got a valid point."
Ox sighed. "I guess you're right." He approached Hero and held out his hand. "Apologies."
"It's alright." Hero shook his hand. "I guess we should focus on being a team right now."
"If it's any consolation, we all know Rinko packs a good punch!" Kid laughed.
Patty giggled. "It was really cool! He went flying!"
Rinko sighed. "It was nothing, really."
"We should be more serious!" Tsubaki suggested, but she too was chuckling.
"Maka totally went for the punch and won with Asura, so I don't see why we don't use it!" Black Star reminded.
Crona sighed. "I'm not sure how that'd work with mom though. She's survived too many things."
"It's like a two occasions of awful remakes of an already awful film series." Liz added.
Crona had to laugh. "Seen too many of those in my time. They fit her well. I don't know if I can deal with a third remake."
Ragnarok cackled oddly at the thought.
Soon the joy calmed down as Stein, Kami, a still injured Megara and the Death Scythes entered the room. Kim and Jackie exchanged glances. Maka eyed her parents, anxiously.
"Everyone listen. We are not only expecting Medusa's attack." Stein announced. "We have to tackle a Kishin and destroy their soul in order to rid of the pair completely."
A rumble of worry flooded across the students.
"Everyone quiet. Stay calm. We need to stick as a team and use out initiative. Planning ahead may not always work, so don't worry if something doesn't go to plan." Spirit spoke up; his voice was clear but possessed a certain gentleness to it- as if subconsciously keeping the students relaxed. "We have contacted Lord Death and he's sending Justin, Naigus and Sid over here so we'll have more of a supported team. Azusa is staying back and she is leading a few members of the military corps so they can be in surveillance of the area, in case they both make an unexpected attack or a raid happens."
The students soaked all this new information in as the lead Death Scythe continued. "We have Eruka and Free on our side also. I suggest you sleep in your gear and be by your weapon's sides whenever you can, in case of a night raid or if it's at a time you don't expect. Do I make myself clear?"
"Yes sir!" The students replied.
"Thanks. And I just want to say to you all... Be careful. I don't want to lose any of you. You're all too valuable." He finally said. "If you need me just say, okay?"
With that he left the room.
Everyone was stunned with this new information. No one could say much.
Soul sighed. He leaned back in his seat and gazed at the ceiling."Valuable." Soul whispered. "He really lives and breathes for all of us, doesn't he?"
"He adores every single student at this school. He may act hard at times but he's a little softie, really."
Soul looked to his right. Kami stood beside his chair. She pulled the one next to him up and sat down herself.
"He is... I used to think that all the adults at the school were just ignorant idiots... That they were all self indulging individuals that were only in it for the salary and that was it. No consideration for students."
Kamiki laughed softly. "I know the feeling, buddy."
Soul nodded. "But he's different, isn't he? Spirit. He's one of the rare few working in that school that seems to give a damn. Like everyone working on this mission as well. You, Marie, Stein, Lord Death, Sid, Naigus, Meg... You name it! The other teachers at the school, as well as other health staff, councillors, lunch workers- besides Carla, she's good- and other people.... They seem to not care. They're just in it for money."
Kami nodded. Soul sighed.
"But it's especially Spirit. He seems to care the most. I can be the biggest dick to him and he'd still risk his life for me if I was in danger even 20 seconds later."
"I know." Kami smiled. "He's always been that way. He has his flaws but he doesn't have a bad bone in his body. That's what I really like about him."
The light banter was interrupted. Stein stood in the door, frantic, whilst wielding Marie.
"They're here! Grab your weapon partners and get ready for combat! Go!"
Maka ran to Soul and grasped his hand,  lacing her fingers through his. "Let's go!"
"Gotcha, sweetie!" Soul chimed as they both ran through the door. Maka felt her face burn.
'Now is not the time to swoon, Maka!' She told herself, as the hand that was in hers transformed into a scythe.
Kami felt herself run towards the lobby. Her feet didn't stop moving and she felt like she would hit the wall at any minute. She reached the doorway and got outside.
Spirit stood outside.
"Spirit! Meg is still injured. I have to pair with you!"
His skin was as pale as the snow around him. Kami faced him and put her hands on his face. He was frozen in panic, unable to speak.
"Spirit." Kami shook him slightly. "Spirit, sweetie, wake up!" She began to panic as he quaked under her grasp. She ran her hands through his crimson hair. "What's the matter, baby, tell me what's wrong." Her eyes welled up as Spirit finally snapped out of his panicked trance.
"Kami." He began to cry.
"It's okay. I'm here. We can fight them together."
"Kamiki, the Kishin."
"What? What's wrong?"
"It's my dad."

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