Chapter 2- Kamiki

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Standing at the foot of the steps to the DWMA were two masked women. One was tall and had an athletic but curvy body, and wore a white shirt, blue skinny pants and a brown jacket. Her face and head was covered in a protective shawl, the only thing on show were a pair of sky blue eyes. The other was a short and petite young woman, who wore a black leather biker jacket and a black hooded cloak with a mask. They were both disguised and had just made it into Death City.

They both approached the doors, only to be stopped by Sid Barret.

"What brings you two here then? Those masks don't look promising." Sid began. The taller woman laughed. Sid raised an eyebrow.

"Aw come on Sid, I guess you lost your touch for detective work. You used to be able to tell who I was in a heart beat. Getting a bit slow?" She asked playfully.

Sid's mouth crept into a grin as he realised something. "No way. I'm always fast. That was the kind of man I was. Kamiki?"

The taller woman removed her shawl to reveal ash blonde hair swept up in a large pin. Her right eye was half covered by a side fringe which reached past her jaw. Kamiki was a pretty woman with sky blue eyes, and fair skin. She smiled at Sid.

"You guessed correctly! Maybe I underestimated you, Sidney." She reached out to hug her old friend, and guided her younger friend, now unmasked, to him.

"This is my friend and weapon, Megara Law. Meg, meet Sid. We were friends in school. He was, let me say.. A little more alive than he is now." She laughed. Sid nodded with a smile.

Sid held his hand out to Megara. She shook it with a smile. "Nice to meet you!"

"No the pleasure is mine, miss." He replied. "A zombie life is slightly easier. Try it, Kami. It's fun, It's like living, but no pain."

"Nope. That means I'd have to loan my body to him. And that would be suicide in itself. Not even over my dead body." She cringed at the thought.

"Oh.. I forgot. You hate S-"

"Don't even mention it." Kami said bluntly.

They had made it half way to the doors of the Death Room when they walked into Joe Buttaki. Joe's face lit up on Kami's presence. Kami gave him a less enthusiastic smile.

"Didn't think I would see you around here, Ichinose."

"That's Albarn to you." She corrected.

"Still? But you divorced Spirit didn't you?" He asked.

"Yeah. But I like his second name. So I kept it. Keeps the whole family thing the same as well." She explained.

"Mind if you take my second name?" He flirted. Kami took a step back.

"Now watch it. I'm not for you. Also your second name has butt in it so I hate it." Kami spat.

"You found a man?" Joe asked.

"No. I just like my standards high." Kami said, monotonously.

Joe scratched his head. "Come on, Spirit's hardly high standard-"

"He's leagues higher than you. Plus, even though he's a cheat, give him his salt. He was a gentleman. Maybe to the wrong people but still. He didn't use cheap pick ups like that. Yuck."

"I guess... He does good coffee though." By then, Kami and Megara walked off.

Both of them felt relieved to be standing in the corridor outside the Death Room. Kamiki knocked on the door.

"Hey Lord Death? I'm here."

"Come in!"

The two women walked into the Death Room where Lord Death stood happily, accompanied with Marie- who was incredibly surprised at the sight in front of her.

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