Part 2

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Asriel went through a strange gate with a weird symbol on it.

After that, he found himself in another room, brighter than before.

Abby looked at him before walking straight up the stairs. Asriel was going to follow him before he noticed a glowing object on the leaves.

He approached it, before touching the object.

The shadow of the ruins looms above, filling you with determination.



He felt a strange feeling going through him.

He felt... determined.

"Hey? You okay?"

Asriel snapped out of his trance and nodded absent mindedly. Abby looked worried for a second but saw that the boy was fine and continued.

Asriel held his head, trying to make sense of the voice in his head.

He couldn't make sense of it, but he felt like it was something he had to know about...

He shook his head and went to follow Abby's steps. He will think about it later.

"Now in the ruins, you will experience puzzles." Abby said, pointing at the buttons on the floor. "Most of the hints are already written by me, so it will be easier for anyone to go through the room without getting hurt."

He then stepped on 4 buttons. Asriel noticed he didn't step on any buttons at the middle lane. He shrugged, maybe it was the puzzle. He continued to listen on Abby's lectures and followed his steps.

He spoke to a dummy, which he thought was a bit stupid, but he is more interested on the voice he kept on hearing.

Abby clapped for his work, which wasn't much. Asriel still felt a bit of pride blooming inside his chest. He felt like he was being praised by an older brother. Which, mind you, he never had.

But he had to admit, he almost cried when Abby almost left him on that hallway. He almost did. That didn't mean he did cry. He just toughen up and went through the hallway alone. He was slightly used to being alone, being the lonely quiet kid in the orphanage.

He did, however, tackle hugged Abby when he revealed himself, the toughness gone. Abby apologized for tricking him.

"Now, you have to stay here okay? I'll be back soon. I have some business to take care off, it won't be so long. Don't worry, I promise not to leave you." He said, smiling a bit sadly while he pet Asriel's head.

Asriel nodded, a bit sad but accepted it.

"Good boy, now wait here till I come back. I'll give you a cellphone to contact me. Call this number if you need my help." Abby gave him a phone that honestly felt a bit heavy.

"Now be a good child and wait, okay? I'll be back soon." And soon he was gone.

Asriel decided to sit while waiting for the caretaker. He leaned against the column, now thinking about the save points and the voices.

It's better you don't know and just accept it. It's a whole lot easier that way.


Asriel stood up and looked around for the voice.

Over here.

He turned around to see....

A ghost.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2017 ⏰

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