Not Everything Is What It Seems

Começar do início

Becca rolled over making me stop in my tracks, but remained sleeping. Even in a deep slumber she was beautiful, and it made me hate and envy her even more. Knowing I couldn't spend anymore time in here I walked to her computer desk, and grabbed something that looked like a journal. I shoved it into my jacket the was zipped up and tight so it wouldn't fall out as I made my way out of the window.

When I was outside, for kicks, I slammed the window shut to startle her thhen ran to her neighbors lawn away from her line of site. I stayed in the shadows as I walked to my car and sat in driver side. I pulled out the notebook, and opened it revealing it was in fact her journal with every entry dated.

I was snapped back into reality when I saw the backlights of her boyfriends car light up then speed away. I turned off my car then got out and made my way to her house quickly and quietly. As usual she was sleeping in her bed with her back towards the window. I searched around the area near her window hoping I would find my earring that I had lost earlier, it being the reason I was out here in the first place.

I couldn't find and I didn't want this to be a wasted trip so slid her window up slowly and made my way towards her bed. I looked down at her resting peacefully and wanted to get rid of her then and there, but that would leave me unsatisfied and all my work would go to waste. I turned my attention to her bed side table and there glistening in the moonlight was my earring. My eyes widen and I didn't know if I should risk her waking up and seeing because she was facing that direction.

After a couple of seconds of mental debate I tip toed to the side of her bed that had my earring and reached for it. My hand hovered over it as I kept my eyes on her praying she wouldn't open her eyes at that very moment or everything would be over with. I felt the cool metal against my fingers and I securely grabbed it then swiftly walked back out of her view. I was about to go out the window when she turned over and said something that made me freeze.

"Patrick?" She whispered softly, and with that I quickly made my way out of her room then ran to my car not caring if it was too obvious. I turned back around once I was safely in my car and saw her lights were still off then I realized she was probably talking in her sleep. I looked down at my palm and opened it seeing my earring. Carefully I place it into my bag that was on the seat next to me and made my way back to my house to get some sleep for tomorrow.


Again I found myself waking up to my annoying phone alarm letting me know that I had to get ready for school. I smiled at the thought of putting my plans into action and sprung out of bed. I grabbed the most plain clothes I could find in the hopes of making me seem as boring and dull as possible. I brushed my hair then left it alone not wanting to style it in any way. I grabbed my bag then made my way up the stairs to the first floor of my house.

When I walked into the kitchen I saw my mom had left a post it note on the fridge. I yanked it off and read what she wrote me before she left for work.

Have a good day at school. Money on the counter. Call me when you get home. - Mom

I rolled my eyes and crumpled up the tiny yellow piece of paper then threw it in the direction of the trash can. I search the counter for money and saw a very old and worn five dollar bill. I shoved it into the front of my pants, and walked to my car not locking the door to the house because lets face it, if someone where to break in they would probably laugh at the empty run down house that held nothing in it.

On the way to school I was getting more anxious as I got closer. Not bad anxiety, but the anxiety you get before you do something like ride a roller coaster, or bungee jumping. The school itself was the biggest I had ever seen or gone to. Massive buildings made up the school that made you feel small and overwhelmed. I turned off the engine and got out then started to walk through the hordes of students walking all around the quad.

Mimic *ON HOLD*Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora