Chapter 3: Decorating

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--Omniscient POV--

As Astrid, Fishlegs and Snotlout readied all the decorations, they hurriedly ran to the arena to fizzle the place a little bit.

"So, Snotlout, you attach this banner to the wall over there... Fishlegs? You will sweep the floor..."

"Aww, why do i get to sweep the floor!? You know i ha-"

"Just go with it!!!!"

Planning the party had been great for them.

Fortuantely, Hiccup wasn't found anywhere, so the party's safe.

--Outside the Arena--

"Alright Ruff, let's shift.."

"SHIFT? What do you mean SHIFT? You CRAZY?"

"You don't know what that means, do you?"


"Ugh, we take turns in guarding the arena from Hiccup."

"I think that's impossible. He's basically attached to the academy."

"Well, we just have to make sure that he won't be able to get in."

"Yeah, yeah."

"Let's just do something right for once... Okay?"

Tuff shoved Ruff, and he volunteered to watch over.

"I'll just sit here.... and watch. I'm more responsible than you.."

"Oh REALLY? You can't even change your underwear DAILY."

Tuffnut covered Ruffnut's mouth and gave her a 'I hate you, your going to die' look.

"What's the connection to that?" Tuffnut smirked

"Hah! I don't know!!!" Ruff shouts as she puts her tongue out.

**Astrid's POV**

(Guys!! Before you all continue to read....

Wanna be informed about HTTYD 2? Well, FEAR NOT! My fellow friends!!

I inform my fellow 'Brave Little Astrid' readers all the time! Since BLA is my most viewed story. So, you wanna be informed? Read BLA! I already posted info about Httyd 2, and the new httyd2 trailer!!! :-)

Well then,back to the story, mate.)

(SPOLIER!! ((Well, sort of a spoiler)) This is true.: Snotlout is now hitting on Ruffnut. On HTTYD2....the movie.....SURPRISED? YEAH, Mee too!)

Banners were everywhere.

Two tables were placed by the side next to some stored saddles.

"This is going to be perfect! Tonight will be a blast!!" I screamed.

Snotlout and Fishlegs dropped the banners and mugs they were holding.

"Wait.... tonight?! TONIGHT!?"

"Yes, tonight."

"You never said it was Tonight!!!"

"No, I said it clearly, TONIGHT."

"Oh man. We need to hurry up! We have for about... well, what time do we start?''


"We only have six hours and thirty minutes."

"Good. That's enough time... right?"

"Well, I asked my mom to bake some crab cakes. Hiccup LOVES those stuff."

"Okay, what else?"

"Hm, soup, fish, cupcakes, juice, and...... a whole smoked eel."

"He hates eels." I said.

"Ok- how'd you know that?"

I froze. Oopsie.

"Um, I know a lot of stuff about my friends.."

"Oh really?" Snotlout questions me. "What color is my underwear?"

I punched his stomach.


Then, I could hear... AH!! Hiccup's prosthetic leg! His prosthetic always makes creaking sounds!!

Then, Tuff closed the arena gates.

"Prevent him from seeing!" I shout.

Oh no, thus will be BAD. VERY VERY BAD.

||Author's NOTE:||


Thanks for all your reads!! Thanks YOUZZ!!!!! I love you all so much!

Thanks to:

Well, ALL OF YOU!!!





ChylaIbe (My BFF,btw)




Thanks all of you!!!!!!!¡¡¡¡!¡¡¡'

Thanks all of u! I <3 u all so much!!!!!

And bluecountrygirl, sorry that I didn't reply to most of your comments, but..... your a big fan.... of Me? Wow, big word!!!! ;D

An others out there that i didn't reply to, SORRY!!!!!! ;(

AWESOME!!!!!!!!!! ;( Tears of Joy);

Thanks! I luv u all

-httydfanfictionfan/ Donna <3

Keep Calm and READ!!!!! <3

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