"What are you...?"

"I see there aren't any fresh wound here, expect the ones you did last morning." He interjected and pulled down the fabric, letting go of my arm.

I pursed my lips and didn't comment. Before I could find my words to speak again, he beat me to it.

"How's first day of work?"

I arched my eyebrow, a bit taken aback at how quick his mood changed.

"It's... Uhm... It's good. How was work?" I gestured at his uniform for emphasis.

"I'm no longer taking the night shift, thank god for that –"

The two officers, who we've completely ignored, finally spoke up. "So are you two dating now?" It was John.

David and I turned at the same time and watched the two in horror. I did while David stared at him in warning.

"Does the Sheriff even know about this?" Devin added before we could reply and gestured between us for exaggeration.

"Guys. We're related..."

"No. Technically, you aren't. She's the sheriff's step-daughter, hence the word 'step', which means not biological." John argued before David finished.

"You know I can hear this conversation, right?" I addressed.

When Devin and John peered at me and smile, they were well aware of that fact. Not liking the attention, I slid the menu in the middle of table "If we're done here, I need to get back to work. And while I'm still in the mood, what will you three be having for lunch today?"

Hearing my monotonous voice, Devin and John chortled in amusement. They both took a copy each as I patted David's arm, asking him to get up. He quickly followed and gave me enough space to get out of the booth. But as I stood up, he was a good inch close to me. The back of my knee bumped on the couch while I took a step back. Thinking I've lost my balance, David abruptly grabbed my arm.

I peered up at him and found our faces were to close for comfort. My mind somehow shut down for a second at the proximity. When I heard them cleared their throat, I reacted how I usually do when getting too close with someone. I hastily moved away and brushed back my hair, even though it was tied.

"Sure, nothing is going on between you two," Devin scoffed while John snorted in agreement.

"If you don't two shut up, you're helping Royce this afternoon with the paper works." David warned as he sat back down.

Both held up their hand with a look of innocence. Even if they were teasing me a few seconds ago, I had to smile at how comical they are now. After David's threat, they stopped gave any snide comments and ordered something from the menu. I was able to get back into a work rhythm after that short intermission.

I returned to their table only to give their drinks and meal. If I wasn't needed, I steered clear from their booth. But it didn't really help. Ever time I glanced in their direction; I saw a glimpse of David looking away from my direction. A few times I actually caught him. His played it innocently with a smile before turning his gaze towards his two companions.

When I saw they were done eating their meal, I eagerly passed by the booth hinting if they'd want their bill. David being his observing self understood the subtle hint and gestured for the check. Getting their bill, my eyes peered over by the door where Vicky stood. She caught my gaze and gestured for me to serve the new group of customers. With a nod, I gathered a few menus from the counter and met the group. But when I got a good look at them, I did a double take – again.

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