I look up, and see the same large muscular man I saw in the car, and what I'd assume is his right hand man about a head shorter right next to him. Both dark haired men stood side by side as they discussed what they should do with me for the time being.

"I wanna go home," I manage to whimper out pathetically. Not caring how much of a pussy I sounded like, this was not a time to be brave. Especially with these men.

The right hand man kneels down and tucks a piece out of hair out of my eyes, making me immediately cower away. In which he grabs my face with aggression, making me look him straight in his dark brown eyes. "Look kid, no ones going to hurt you," he says in an agitated tone before looking back up at the larger scary man.

"Take her to the temporary room and I'll be there in a second." The large man says with his slight accent before walking away.

"Wait no, I want to go home! Don't take me to a room!" I struggle and scream and cry as the other man practically drags me away into another area of the smelly dark cold warehouse. Eventually being thrown into what looks like a jail cell with no bars as a door, just a large medal door.

He immediately closes the door after throwing me into the room. Looking around, I just see it's a small room with a bed and nothing else. I finally just take a moment for everything to hit me before sitting down on the bed, and taking a second to register what's all happening.

Why would he want with me?

What did I do?

How can I escape?

All these thoughts were running through my head as I start to get out of my moment of hysteria. Lying down on the bed, I just try to think most importantly. What can I do to leave?

• • •

I don't realize how much time had passed, but I just continued to reminisce through my thoughts, but the large door opens up, revealing a large man standing there. The same man who kidnapped me in the begging of all this.

Stepping closer, I scoot back further on the bed, "W-What do you want from me?" I cracked out as I spoke.

"I don't want anything Gattina, but another man says otherwise," he says with a shrug before closing the door behind him, and coming back towards me.

"Man? What man?"

"A man that has been searching high and low for you his whole life," he says before reaching in his pocket for something, pulling out a crumpled up piece of paper and showing me a picture.

I knew that man, he left me when I was only a toddler. It's...

"Dad? No. Why would he be searching for me all these years when he left us."

The man just shakes his head before shoving the picture back in his pocket, "He told me your mother took off with you and your brother because she hated his lifestyle, and thought it was too dangerous for you kids to be in his life. He said she left a note and eventually ran off with you guys and was never to be seen again."

A state of panic starts to overtake me, "No  way, my mom would neve-"

"Here's the note," he hands me another piece of crumpled up paper. And I immediately knew it was my mother's handwriting.

"It's...true," I start before starting to tear up after finishing the short harsh letter.

"Where is he? Where's my dad? I have to talk to him."

His face falters, showing what seems like emotion, something I didn't think I'd see on his face.

"You're dad, unfortunately was shot in the line of duty a few years back."

I suddenly couldn't take in proper intakes of air, it was like everything had fallen down on me in just the span of one day.

"Then why? Why kidnap me?" I choke out in tears, the thought of losing my father who loved me the whole time, killing me inside.

"It was in his will that you be found and treated with as much care and safety we can at the mafia house. And which states I be the sole protector at all times. His orders."

"No, why me? Why not my brother?"

He then picks up the paper and reads back over a small section before letting out a deep exhale. "Man..." he mumbles before putting the paper back in his pocket. Looking back up at me, he says the words that I know are going to change my life forever.

"He wants you to carry on the Diaz name by carrying on his tradition."


Umm so I'm finally working on this book guys!! It will be finished before the end of 2020

Hopefully quarantine will be over by then of course :,)

But lmk how you guys like the book so far, it's just beginning but trust me it'll get longer and better. Promise just stick with me!

Also! Should I change the character for Ash to be someone Hispanic? Cause obviously she is but I don't know you guys give me some good Hispanic females to play Ash :)

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2020 ⏰

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