|Chapter Thirteen|

Start from the beginning

"So I heard your game. Sounds, pathetic." Rose smirked as she passed Caroline in the hall. Caroline watched as Rose walked towards Klaus' room. She slowly followed her and kept her distance.


"I can't believe you're with that bitch, Klaus."

"Speak of her like that again and you shall not live to see another morning." Klaus spat.

"She's so pathetic." Rose murmured as she vamped towards him. Klaus stood his ground, but Rose's face was literally centimetres from his. Klaus shoved her away, they vamped each other into the walls until finally Klaus pushed her onto the bed. He was on top and his hands were keeping her arms down.

"Kinky." Rose smirked.

"Leave her alone or I'll rip your heart out."

Caroline peaked through the door and saw the position Klaus and Rose were in. She clenched her knuckles and jaw together. Kol joined her in peering through his brothers room. "What are we looking at?" He said.

"Oh. Shit." Kol said once more, his lips parted. From where they were standing it did look pretty bad. Caroline vamped downstairs; Kol followed.

"Maybe it wasn't what it seemed." Kol said, trying to smooth the situation. He knew how fond Klaus was of Caroline and that with her this angry, it wouldn't be good.

Damon, Katherine, Rebekah and Elijah all appeared in the front room after hearing Kol trying to calm Caroline.

"Guys. It's like 9:00am. What are you doing?" Caroline growled.

Kol pulled Elijah aside to tell him what he'd just witnessed.

"No. Niklaus wouldn't do that to Caroline." Elijah said, he was so confident in his word that Kol forgot what even he'd seen for a moment.

"Brother. I'm telling you. Klaus was on top of her with her hands nailed to the bed."

Elijah sighed and vamped up to Klaus' room. He was about to knock as he didn't see anything when he looked through the crack in the door but overheard them talking.

"You know you want me, just like that time in that barn where I kissed you and you kissed me..." Rose began. Klaus stared at her.

Elijah didn't stay for anymore of the conversation.

"No, Rose. That never happened. If you don't leave my room right now I'll slaughter you."

"I don't know why you keep saying that. You feel something for me at least." She placed her hand around Klaus' neck and leaned in. It was almost as if she was casting a spell on him.

Kol, Elijah and Caroline all entered the room.

Caroline walked up to her and slapped her across the face, so hard her fingertips were throbbing.

"Caroline, I-" Klaus stirred. Caroline shook her head and left the room.

Klaus couldn't kill another player. But he wanted so desperately to push Rose out of his bedroom window.

He was confused. He didn't know why Rose made him freeze. Rose had her own type of vampire power. The power to enchant men when she felt like it. That's why Klaus was powerless against her. Rose barged past Kol and Elijah. Klaus stared at his brothers, and they stared back.


"Don't. Niklaus. It's not us you have to apologise to."

Klaus started to get angry.

"Klaus. Don't. You're going to get kicked from the game."

Klaus stormed downstairs and shouted for Rose.

"How dare you come into my house, my room and use your enchantments on me."

"Whatever do you mean?" Rose smirked as she stood behind her brother.

"Don't mess with me or I'll bite you and Marcel and leave you to die. Tell everyone in this room right now that you are a heretic."

Rose sighed.

"I am indeed a heretic. However did you guess?"

"I do not feel anything for you, those weren't my actions upstairs. They were yours."

Caroline was stood in the kitchen overhearing everything that was being said. She took the other staircase to avoid Klaus and the conflict. Caroline wanted to see what was inside his book.

On the first page, it was her admiring his art back in Mystic Falls. The second showed them dancing at the ball he held place. The third was her in his mermaid shaped diamond dress. Caroline flipped through the pages and cupped her mouth when she came to a page of drawings where she was hitting Klaus. "Hit me." It said in one of the speech bubbles. Her face was so angry and sad all in one. The next page shocked her the most. It was her as a child stood next to a wolf.

It was the eyes of the wolf which caught her off guard. They were Klaus' eyes. How did she never see this before. Klaus was the wolf who saved her. Caroline flicked through more pages and came to a page full of drawings of the same thing. The little paw print mark.

Caroline's anger had soothed.

Rose was being a bitch and was trying to get between them. Caroline shut the book and turned to go downstairs, but Klaus was stood watching her.

"What are you thinking, love?"

Caroline's heart was beating at an insane speed.

"I'm sorry, I should've of asked, I-"

Klaus shut his bedroom door and walked towards her slowly, she licked her lips to wet them as he continued to walk. Klaus leaned in close to her, breathing on her neck. He could see the goosebumps, and gently kissed the spot in which her pulse would've been. Caroline moved her hand to his neck and rubbed his hair as her neck fell backwards. He knew then, that she wanted more. But he wouldn't rush. Klaus stopped, and looked at her. He pressed his head against hers, their noses touching. He leaned in once more, pressing his lips up against hers. Caroline felt breathless. It was everything she'd hoped for. It was like fireworks exploding inside her, a lust she'd had filled. She knew in that moment that she truly wanted to be with Klaus. As Klaus knew, he wanted to be with her.

After they pulled away from one another, Klaus softly grabbed Caroline's arm and they examined each other's marks.

"I'm sorry for what you witnessed earlier, Caroline."

Caroline shook her head. "It's okay. I know what she's like. It's just that image. I can't seem to shake it."

Klaus furrowed his brows.

"Which one?"

"You on top of her."

"Would you like me to replace it, with being on top of you."

Caroline froze. He did not just say that. Caroline shoved him in a playful manner and urged him to come downstairs.

"Right now, I think I hate Rose more than I hate Katherine, and that's saying something."

Caroline grabbed his hand and pulled him away from his room. It was almost time to tell everyone what her game would be.


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