He sighed again,"Okay. Go. If it becomes too much leave early. Don't hurt yourself more than you already are."

You stayed silent knowing you upset him.
"I love you." He said and hung up before you could respond.

You sighed and put the phone down and looked back at yourself.

Your eyes were red and puffy.

You grabbed a pair of sunglasses and threw them on.

You took a deep breath and stood up, grabbed your bag and left your apartment.

Once you reached the church you stood outside for what seemed like forever just looking at the building.

"Hey." A voice said from behind you.

You turned around. It was Damien's older brother.

"Hi Tyler." You said avoiding eye contact.

"How have you been Penny?" He placed a hand on your arm.

"I..I'm okay. How are you?"

He gave a weak smile,"Ive had better days."

You tried to smile back.

"No one blames you, you know."

"I do." You quickly responded.

"You shouldn't. Damien has had a history with that kind of behavior. It started before you. There's nothing you could have done."

"I'm a psychologist Ty. It's my job to fix these sort of things. But I didn't. I couldn't. I failed him."

He bent down to your eye level."You didn't fail him. You didn't fail anyone. It's okay Penny." He stood back up, "Cmon. It should be starting soon. You can sit with me."

Tyler took your hand and led you inside.

You took a seat next to him just as the service was starting.

The casket was closed like you assumed.

You wished you could see him.

Tyler held your hand throughout the service giving it light squeezes when you started to cry.

After the service you saw Damien's mother outside watching as they put her son's casket into the hearse.

You took a deep breath and walked over to her.

"Ms. Walker." You said from behind her.

She turned around. Her eyes were bloodshot.

"Oh. Hello Penelope." She said in a bit of a sour tone. You guess Tyler was wrong. Some people do blame you.

"H-how are you?"

"How do you think?" She snapped causing you to jump.

She sighed,"I'm not going to argue with you right now Penelope."

You hated how she said your name. Like she thought she was better than you.

She never liked you despite your many efforts.

Now you knew she never would especially because you took her baby boy away from her.

"I don't want to argue either. Ms. Walker I am so sorry."

"Oh I'm sure." She rolled her eyes,"Lord only knows why he wanted to be with you now look what you've done." She was becoming hysterical.

Tears streamed down her face.
"You did this to him! You did! All he did was love you and you killed him."

You stood there frozen, unsure of what to say or do.

"You killed my baby!" She viciously yelled.

Luckily Tyler stepped in and saved the day.

He angrily pointed a finger at his mother.
"He did this to himself and you know that. Don't you dare blame Penelope for that. She loved him too. Dont be so goddamn selfish."

Tyler grabbed your hand and pulled you away from her and to your car.

You finally took a breath.

You shakily reached into your bag to grab your keys.

He took them from you.

"I'm driving you home." He adamantly said.

You just nodded and got into the passenger side.

The drive to your house was silent.

He parked the car, got out and helped you out of the car.

"She was wrong." He began when you reached your door.
"She just doesn't want to believe what he did and she'll blame it on anyone. She knows it wasn't your fault."

You stayed silent.

He pulled you into a hug,"I should go."
He pulled away."Call me if you need anything."

You nodded and opened the door entering your apartment.

You placed your bag down and kicked off your shoes.

You heard a noise from the bedroom.

Your heart stopped.

You rushed to the kitchen and grabbed a knife and held your phone in the other hand ready to call 911.

You tiptoed to the bedroom and peaked in through the cracked door.


You smiled and pushed the door open.

His head snapped in your direction.

He looked at you for a while, not moving.

"Buck, I've missed you so much." You put the knife and phone down and walked over to him.

He still said nothing.

As you got closer you noticed something different.

You stopped in your tracks.


That wasn't Bucky.

Hope you guys don't mind the longer chapter ❤️

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