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I'd arrived back to my room in a fluster. My head was absolutely aching, however, I was unsure if it was from the bump in the center of my forehead or from all the strange thoughts that had been running through it. I couldn't stop thinking about how lovely Uncle Charles's face was though, and his voice. Like honey butter. He really was wonderful. A true gentleman. How lucky I am to have him now in my life. I thought a moment on the fantastic idea of a ladder being propped up beneath my window, and whirled around to check. However, in the next moment, realized how silly of me it was to think I'd find anyone there at this time of hour to begin with. Although I can't say I wasn't disappointed... I let out a short breath and turned back to my bed.

There was a cream envelope laid delicately atop my pillow. It certainly hadn't been there before, or I would have noticed, I think. I was in my room before wasn't I? I rubbed the center of my head. Wasn't I? Perhaps the hit to my forehead had knocked the memory right out of it.

I took the envelope in my fingers, and flipped it over. It wasn't made out to anyone in particular, so I assumed it had been left for me. I undid the top of it and a carefully folded letter slipped out into my hands. The handwriting inside was nice, near perfect with every soft curve. I let my eyes fall over the elaborately cursive words.

Sister Dearest,

You are invited to a secret slumber party in Jane's room. Only us two girls are allowed. Whatever you do, do not let Tyler get a hold of this letter, like last time. I am not playing military with him again. It is far too violent. I look forward to seeing you.

P.S.-Bring pajamas.

Your sister, Jane.

My heart jumped with absolute delight. Although I wonder if she knew there hadn't yet been a last time... Regardless, I'd never been to a slumber party before, even if it were just a few doors down the hall from my room. I slipped out into black and tip toed down the hallway. Uncle Charles had left. I brought up a hand and knocked quietly on Jane's door.

A voice came up hushed from the other side.

"Who is it?"

"It's me, Olivi-"

"Come in then! Hurry!"

I opened the door to reveal the pale green walls of the bedroom. Jane sat criss-crossed on her blush bedspread, waving her arms in a flurry. "Shh! Come in! You must be more discreet than that!" She giggled as I stepped into the room and shut the door a tad bit too loudly behind me. She jumped at the sound. "Shh! Sister!" She laughed and shook her head. "I was serious about Tyler not finding out about this. If he were here again, I would just kill myself."

I'd never been in Jane's room before. It was lovely to the greatest degree. It was large, and open, decorated in soft faded hues and square printed maps were strung up along the walls. There was a flowered settee, dressed in mustard yellow buds that sat at the foot of the her bed and two glass doors at the end of the room that opened out onto a small white balcony. Spotless and charming.

Jane patted a spot on the bed beside her and nodded for me to come over. I did and took a spot next to her. She smiled at me and tucked a loose strand of wiry black behind my ear. "There you go. Lovely. I wish I had hair like you."

"Like mine?" I was shocked. I wished I had hair like hers. So perfect and blonde, with not a frizzed lock in sight.

But she nodded in all seriousness. "I've always liked dark hair better. People take you more serious that way. Men especially."

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