We May Be Broken, But You Can Kill All Of Us.

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3rd Person

       The small venue went from an empty floor to being packed with people, some were placed on the floor|pit area while others were in the opera boxes and balcony above the pit. Each person has came here for the soul reason to see their heroes, saviors, favorite band perform live before them; chatter filled the area as time chased by and within twenty minutes if the doors opening the band was already out and ready to play. Cheers filled the area as Chris ran out onto the stage and the show was kicked into motion.

️Jades Pov

       For a half hour Lacey and I waited in the pit with the other fans, at points we talked with some other person near by but for the most part we kept to ourselves. After what seemed to be an hour, really it was only half an hour, of waiting five of the six members ran out onto the stage with their instruments in hand, for a moment they all stood there getting ready but within a couple minutes Chris, the lead singer, ran out onto the stage before giving praP to the crowd. My eyes widened a bit as they stood up on the stage with smiles on their faces, in all honesty it was better seeing them live then watching them through a computer screen. Soon enough music blasted throughout the small space and on the floor a small pit began to form with people jumping in and out along with bystanders being pushed into the mass of people.

       It was an amazing time; throughout the night I bounced around from the pit to crowd surfing to just standing there, my body was pushed around and squeezed against some others but it was all worth seeing them perform. Time seemed to fly by as the music played and the crowd swayed and only an hour later, which felt like ten minutes to me, they were almost done with the show itself. As the band took a brief pause and Chris spoke to us I felt a pair of eyes looking towards me but it wasn't from anyone on the floor rather it was from the stage, I looked up from my spot in front of the barricade to meet the eyes of the singer and for a moment time seemed to stand still. But all good things must come to an end as the music started up for Immaculate Misconception, the group was about two quarters into the song when the doors in the back opened up and there stood three priests and two nuns with crosses and behind them were the police with protective gear on. “Oh shit” I mumbled as the music slowed down and came to a stop.

️Chris’s Pov

    The music filled the small space as the band played behind me, the lyrics flowed freely from my lips as we went through the song but something was off about half way through it. Stopping briefly after the back door opened up and the dim light from street lamps flooded into the room, I took a deep breath and looked towards the door as the inside lights let up and revealed both the crowd and those who were entering the venue, the music stopped abruptly and I looked at those events ring through the open doorway. There stood three men in long black robes, much like church attire, two nuns and traditional garb with a bible of sorts in their hands and right behind them where, what looked like, the police force team surrounded them with riot shields and face masks to protect themselves as well. They acted like we were going to attack the but there they were with the equipment to attack us. I hissed quietly as I let out a small breath of air as I stood myself on top of the riser just a foot in front of me, I pointed towards the small group and shook my head. “why?” is all i asked, my voice amplified by the microphone, the simple word bouncing off of the walls meanwhile the fans all booed at the group.

        It seemed like minutes ticked by before a reply was given by One of the priests who stood in middle of the small cluster. His beady eyes looked at me as he held up the cross of the Roman Catholic Church and started to speak. “Jou come to Zhis town speaking zhe vords of Satan ‘an his demons” he said with a very heavy Russian accent in his voice “jou preach zhe vords of sin an’ take zhe youzh avay from our children. Vhy must jou come here an’ preach? Leave Moscow.” the man couldn't have been any older than seventy so what the hell was he doing any where near a pit or the venue, since things did get a bit out of hands at point. His words were drowned out by the fans as they booed and tossed some insults their way “guys, guys quiet” I said as I stepped down from the riser and into the pit, everyone seemed to go quiet as I hopped over the barricade and weaved through the crowd. Still clutching the microphone I walked towards him “Why do i? Cults? Why do you speak like i'm the devil?” I said as I walked up to him, pushing some loose strands of hair from my face. The Priest looked me dead on once again and held his book even tighter than he had only moments ago. “Jou preach sin to our youzh, jou vear all black an’ brainvash zhese people to go out ‘an preach sin to ozhers” he said as I looked at him. This man was crazy and bringing armed guards into a place full of unarmed people? What the hell were they thinking? Just as I was about to say something back towards the priest one of the guards stepped forwards with a nightstick held tight in his hand. I held my hands up, a simple gesture meaning no harm “how so, please educate me on how making a living doing what I love most, is a sin? And all these people surrounding me, they mean no harm. They come to listen to music, that's all, to release some stress that the society, or you guys push on them” I said and took a step towards them, my boots made a hollow thud as it hit the concrete floor “you push your religion down our throats, telling us we aren't good enough for this society, that your so called sinners are filthy and wrong. But in all honesty you are in the wrong, you're so stuck in your own religion you can't see that we can have our own beliefs and religions” I said and took a small breath, my eyes never straying from the fourth most priest.

Jades Pov

       My eyes followed the male around the stage as the music came to a halt and the doors were opened wider than before, in stepped priests and nuns from the church along with the police behind them. It wasn't unusual to see the forces showing up to peaceful events with riot gear on and nine times out of it was the police that would start the fighting with those who were had no intention of violence, the crowd jeered at the police and priests whilst both Lacey and myself stayed silent. “Why?” Words so simple had south a loud impact, why? a question we've all asked in many situations. Chris continued to speak before the crowd before jumping from the stage and mingling with us in order to get to the clergy in the back, what he was doing was risky but it seemed that he would go down fighting for what he loved. Minutes had passed by and it seemed Chris was still confronting the group but from my point on the floor I couldn't tell what was being said but from the looks of his fellow band mates it wasn't good, silence soon consumed the area and we all waited in anticipation for what was going to happen next. It killed me to hear nothing but when he spoke up again the crowd seemed a bit taken back by what he had been saying. He must've been saying something good but it would only sound good to use, to the police it sounded like threats.

       I couldn't tell what I was doing but one moment I was standing against the barricade and the next moment I was out in front of the singer with my arms outstretched as if showing to hurt him they would have to go through me first. My eyes met with the old ones of the priest as he snarled as he spoke, he rambled off on how I would burn in hell but little did they know I had lived through it since I was small. “Sirs”, I said as my accent slipped out, “zhese people vish no harm tovards any of you nor do zhey vish ill upon zhe church” my heart leapt into my throat as the police officer come a bit closer to the two of us. “Ve mean no harm but if you harm me or anyone in zhis building here vill be a var on your hands.” I said with a soft tone in my voice as i looked from the officer to the priest “stay if you vish, see ve mean no wrong tovards zhe church or zhe youth of Russia” by the end of me talking my hands shook slightly as I felt the eyes of the priests and officers down on my, with one word I could be sent to jail and so could the band behind me. “One chance” one of the nuns, who had been silent the longest, “one chance an’ zhen jou don't come back here” she said with spite in her voice. Within seconds as fast as they came they left us.

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