If All These Words You Spoke Meant Something.

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3rd Person

       The open road, a vast land to be explored by the pioneers of the modern time. Throughout the years, no matter what season it may be, people pack away their belongings, lock up their homes, and head out in search of that bit of freedom one feels when traveling. For many it is a luxury but for some it's a way of life. Companies will send their employees out to different countries or states, bands travel all over the place, and some just have to go because of life problems; those are the hardest times for traveling, constantly being away from the ones you love and without a visual representation of them it can be hard to get by sometimes but you keep on pushing to make your life how you see fit.

       Those who live on the road struggle at times to make the means of living, some live in poverty while some prosper off their talents. For years one way of living on the road and making money was to join the traveling shows when the passed through your town and for many years it was seen as a grand idea but now, in the modern age, it was seen as a child's dream to become what was not normal. Few of these traveling shows remain in the states and even fewer in our neighboring countries but those who strive in the show business have survived for many generations, one particular show that was birthed out of Moscow has been in the ‘circus’ business has been holding on for close to two hundred some odd years. Circus Nikulin. Now, in 2016, the circus was run by Eliot Shachk who was the latest in the shows long line of ringleaders, he was strict with his performers and used corporal punishment to ‘fix’ the ‘problems’ that occurred with these freaks, as he called many of them. In the mix of performers was a girl who grew up in the show, from a very young age she knew the rules and what it took to stay alive in the circus. Her performance name was Morgue but by birth she was known as Jaden Kuznetsov, better known as Jade.

️Jade's Pov

       We had arrived in the small town of Moscow three days ago, tomorrow would be the first time we would be performing for these strangers.The day had ran as smooth as it could get in this god forsaken show; wake up call at five in the morning, a quick bite to eat around 5:30, take ten minutes to change into practice clothes and meet in the big top by 6:00, any later would result in a backlash from Eliot. Just saying his name leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Practice ran smoothly for a good hour before I managed to slip off the high wire and fall into the net below me, Eliot had grown angered at that one hiccup and made me go with the usual punishment in practice. Ten minutes with my knuckles, which were already bruised enough, under his boot heel. ‘Fun’. Despite the problems in practice I had one thing to actually look forwards to later on tonight, I had acquired a couple of tickets to a concert later on this evening but there was a slight flaw in my plan. When I have to leave for the concert Eliot's thugs would be patrolling the area to make sure none of us, the ‘freaks’, would not try to run away from the show or try anything smart in the meantime.

       Time dragged on and it seemed that the hours had slowed down on this particular day just to make my mind ache from the waiting, after hours of practice and little break time we had been dismissed to take the rest of the day, which wasn't much time really, to ourselves. I took myself over to the showers and cleaned up, washing my short hair and making sure the dirt was gone from under my nails and hands. Getting ready for this concert took me and my companion, Lacey, a solid hour and a half. My makeup was done a bit darker than I usually would have done it and i adorned my skin with a bit of black war paint going from the underside of my chin to my collar bones; a white button up covered my inked and scarred skin whilst a pair of black jeans covered my legs. The outfit looked formal but I didn't really care since I wasn't trying to impress anyone there. Finally the time came to sneak away from the tent Lacey and I shared and get to the main road, we waited silently as the men walked past our dimly lit tent before running off, shoes in hand, towards the road. By the time we got there my heart was racing and head was pounding, the walk to the venue took us a half hour and by the time we reached the floor people were already packing themselves into it. In all honestly felt like a bunch sardines in a can.

️Chris’s POV

       Music; one thing that has gotten millions of people through the pain of life, it takes it away and  makes everything fade even if it is just for a few minutes. Music…the only thing that has gotten me through everything, it's the reason why I'm still here today. Making music for a living has always been a dream of mine and as of late it has been amazing but it does have its downsides. Touring often, being away from your loved ones, missing holidays and birthdays all have taken some mind out of me but it does have its upsides too. I am able seeing the world and meet our fans whilst hearing their stories.

       We had only just arrived in Moscow a day or two ago and already we've played two shows, tonight would mark our third. Tonight's show was to take place in a small opera hall but despite the size the beauty and acoustics made up for what it lacked; the day passed and set up had been completed, now we waited for the show to begin. The rhythmical tapping of Angelo’s drum pad filled my ears as the six of us crammed ourselves into a small back room. Earlier in the day i had changed into my usual attire of a ripped up tank top|shirt|button down with black pants, boots whilst black body paint covered the unclothed parts of my body, as the time counted down for the show to start I nervously paced around the small room as my mind race and nerves got the best of me. “Chris for fuck sakes calm down it’s not like you're presenting a speech to them” Ricky, my closest friend, said as he sat himself on a chair in one corner of the room, his fingers plucking at the string of his guitar as he spoke. A small laugh escaped me as I continued to pace the room, i had always gotten nervous before a show causing me to become shaky and unable to sit in one spot. even after all these years of performing for crowds I still grew nervous but as soon as I set foot on the stage all of the worries melted away, I was still pacing the room when our tour manager popped into the room to announce the thirty second mark before he walked back out. All of the guys stood up from their spots and walked to the center of the room, forming a small circle, we set our hands into the center of circle before giving a rather loud chant as our usual pre-show ritual. “okay guys, let's rock this fucking show!” i said with a grin while the others rushed out first, i waited until all they were situated on the stage before running out myself. Once up there i grabbed my microphone and spoke to the small sea, more like a lake, of people standing “how are we today Moscow?!” i yelled as the crowd cheered, i used my hand to shield the light from my eyes. “damn we have a sexy crowd today” i said as Ricky leaned into his microphone “damn chris we do” he said in agreement before strumming his guitar. “so, i hope you guys aren't already tired because we have a great show for you bastards. This first song is called ‘Infamous’.”

       It had been a good hour since we first started the show, everyone had been hyped and excited but now I could see a slight change in the energy with the crowd, “are you guys still with me out there?” i questioned with a slight pant in my voice as I finished off my bottle. The question had earned some yells and cheers from the crowd causing me to grin,“well that’s good” I laughed and glanced around a bit as my eyes caught with those of another front. Her eyes were a vibrant green whilst her outfit, a bit more ‘formal’ than those around her, left some to the imagination but it wasn't what she wore that caught my eyes it was the look in her own. She had a look of interest, curiosity, and something else that I couldn't place my finger on. Hope maybe. i flashed a cute smile towards her before putting my microphone back on the stand.“this next song is called Immaculate Misconception”

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