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-Tripping in a random rock escalates into something more-

Kuroko woke up from the blinding rays of the morning sun... and maybe a bit because of the doorbell ringing ten times per minute.

He swear that the one who is ringing the doorbell, will pay if he/she isn't going to say anything important. And yes, that's a threat.

It's a bad thing-depending on your point of view-that his mom and dad was on a trip today. Hell, they even took Nigou with them! I mean, how!? Nigou was clearly with him the night before! Anyways.... The point is...

They can't actually take care of the one disturbing his sleep--because they're not here.

Meaning, that he has to be the one to answer the damn door--because they're not here.

Well sh*t...

"'m comin' down!" He mumbled weakly before taking a few steps out of his room. When he reached the door he could hear muffled cries and shouts. He looked at the door hole to see the worst things he could ever see in his entire life...

It was Kagami, coach, and the others.

He dropped to the ground quietly and visualize a plan. He made sure to double lock the door--like a ninja--before running to his room and taking a short bath. After he took a bath and peaked at the door he noticed that they were still there. He made sure to contact the guys first and they planned that Kuroko should just take the back door and sneak outside quietly. Also add the fact that he has to make sure he was unrecognizable.

It's a good thing that Kuroko has a massive stock of temporary hair dye--don't ask how why, even I don't know--so he's safe to the hair department--just slick it back and voila slicked black hair. As for the clothes, thankfully all his old clothes were removed--some were left--and was replaced since the shopping trip from last time. He dressed up like the character he adapted before. Stylish and sexy.

This greatly contradicts his old character.

Wow I'm smart!

He wore a white tank top underneath a gray sleeveless hoodie, denim jeans, black and white nike, his ring--turned necklace--, gray beanie, and a criss cross leather belt.

He swore that the belt would have eaten all his money alone if it wasn't because of the four paying for the expenses. Speaking of money, he stuffed all bills he had in his wallet and grabbed his cellphone and keys before rushing to grab a piece of toast. He checked if the team where still there before going back to the backdoor quietly. He locked the door and stayed seated for a while before standing up when he heard a ping in his cellphone.


"Ohayou Tsuya. This is Shin, we got news on the poll! Kouta said that we should meet in the park, but Rei told us that if we didn't see you till the time limit. He said that we'll be fetching you ourselves. Isn't that great?... Also the time limit is 10 minutes. Good luck!"



He stood up loudly making him sweatdrop because the group probably heard the noise. And boy was he right. He can hear loud footsteps hurrying on his direction accompanied with mumblings.

Kuroko, reacted like he did when he was little and instinctively jumped the three meter fence, using cans and walls for a slight push. He stood balancing on the fence for a dramatic pause and made sure that the group saw his back--after all, you can't be a Kuroko if you don't do dramatic entrances or well exits--before jumping down and sprinting to the park quickly.

It took him 9 minutes to reach the park, much slower than he anticipated but it was fine. 'Now, only 1 more minute to go!' He screamed on his head when he started running.

Just when he was reaching a bench he tripped on a random rock--yes, so very f*cking random--near the grassy areas... Only to be caught be two strong arms which practically lifted him off the ground with ease. He was pushed to a nearby ally and was thrown to the ground. Kuroko winced because of the blow and has to bit his lower lip to resist crying out in pain. He mumbled something inaudible before resigning to his faith.

"Oi, ikemen. Just give us yer money and we'll let ya go. Deal?" A rough stinky voice pulled Kuroko out of his thoughts and he was left grimacing when he smelled the breath.

'Sh*t! Tripping over a dumb rock makes everything escalate from there!!' He thought before feeling a painful blow on his head. "Ti...me....ove..r" He murmured before slipping out of consciousness...


*Chaos! 0Ao Okay now this is where I left of like a month or two back. OTL. So I'm just warning ya guys but the following chapters may or may not be connected to the rest of the story. T~T I don't particularly think that I'm forgetting anything but if I do please comment to me and I'll fix it in a jiffy. :^p Prego! Haha sorry for the cliffhanger ^_^ Oh and just for shits and giggles, I made this story short because I'll make the next chap longer I guess...0_o Anywho! >_< Please look forward for the next chap coz I just realized that I haven't even described Tetsu's friends. T///T Welp at least I think I still have their infos in check, I guess...>_O Well~!!! Ciao ciao!!*


[TNM] The New Me -A knb fanfic-Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora