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We stopped in front of a large building mostly composed of windows. It was pretty obvious that it was Star Rock because of the huge sign just infront of the building. Star Rock was printed in bright blue color and it was all caps. There was a star beside a camera. The 'Star' was inside the star in bright yellow color, while the 'Rock' was in front of the camera in bright blue color. All in all the sign was pretty... Okay...??

We went inside the building only to be stopped by two gia-guards. Of course I wouldn't be surprised because, duh! Star Rock is pretty freaking popular! Anywho... When they asked for our identities, Ino-kun stepped up and showed the two guards, his ID as a model from Star Rock, while wearing a sh*t eating grin...

And as they say everything that happens next goes to history... No I'm joking... Welp... They did let us in though...

As soon as we stepped foot in the building, we were tackled down by a man with slick blond hair, dark blue eyes, a black tailored suit and a... WHY IS A SNAKE COILING AROUND HIS NECK!?... I turned to look at the others and saw their faces bored hinted with... Amusement!? What!? What!? WHAT!? Is this a normal occurrence!? For a while I was considering getting out of the building, and running back to my house while screaming "Bloody Murderer!"... Fortunately it didn't happen because  the snake uncoiled from the man's neck slithered away and went into the butler's waiting arms. I sighed in relief as my shoulders sagged a little bit.

The man chuckled darkly as he checked my appearance over and over again. "Fuuuuuh~! Is this the one you've told me about, Kuroko Tetsuya, that guy?" Kouta-nii nodded his head instantly and the man started beaming. "Heeeeh~!? You weren't lying! The kid's definitely cute, just style the hair a little bit, and add clothes that actually fits perfectly and you'll get an angel!" The man said, obliviously insulting me. But, meh. I've faced worse. =.=

The man then turned to me and offered out his hand "My name's Sephyr Konoe, I'm the owner of Star Rock!" I hesitant offered my hand back to him and smiled a shy smile. "I'm, Kuroko Tetsuya..." He seemed to sparkle a bit more and his face indicated that he had an idea. "I know! Why don't we just skip all those petty little steps to enter the industry and just make an initiation! If you didn't reach up to my expectations, you're out." He said, his voice loud and clear.

We all looked at him in silence before I nodded determinedly and clutched his hands tighter. He smirked and said "You'll have to undergo a test modeling and we'll post it up in our website for voters. Don't worry, you'll wear a mask, so that if you fail then you won't be embarrassed, but if you did win, then we'll make some fancy arrangements so that you can get popular a bit more easily!" He finished with a thumbs up as he dragged me to a random set.

----time skip----

They posted the first photo of me on their website, under the guise of a poster for a watch. I was wearing a white dress shirt with three buttons left open so that my neck and chest was left to the world to see, the sleeves were also folded up to my elbows, I was wearing faded skinny jeans, a blue and white nike, and lastly the watch.

My hair was slicked backwards and they made it look spiky on the end, my hair was also dyed temporarily in a shade of torqouise blue instead of the usual teal. I have no makeup on, except for some foundation being added here and there. Lastly, to hide my identity, I wore a silver masquerade mask, the ends was curled elegantly and gracefully. That gave me a plus point.

My position was embarrassing to say the least. I was sitting on a red and gold throne, my position was off too. Instead of sitting like a normal person would, I was made to lay my head in the arm rest. My feet was also swaying up lightly, my head was lifted just a tad bit, my left hand dropping on my lap and my right hand with the watch being held near my lips, emphasizing its existence. I was gazing at the camera using my eyes not my head, they also fixed the light to make my eyes look to like it was glowing. My pose was actually relaxed, and looked natural. That was a plus too.

I changed back to my clothes but my hair stayed the same. I actually quite like it, if I say so myself... If you take out the fact that my hair color was slightly weird. Anyways, the guys drove me back to my house before 6:00 pm and stayed for dinner. After dinner I said my goodbyes to my friends and ushered them outside so they can go back early to their houses. I went back to my room and fed nigou and before knowing it, I fell asleep.

I didn't even notice my phone ringing with texts from Riko. All I know is that somebody's been spamming me all day long, so without a second thought. I deleted every messages and locked my phone so it can charge better.


*Ohayou! It's the fabulous Shiku-sama! >people starts to leave< No, wait don't go, I swear I'll get to the main point! >goes down dogeza style and people stops midway of leaving the fanfic< -ahem- I'm sorry to all those people whose been looking out for the next chapters. I don't even know if I'm going to continue this but... Yeah... I do hope you like this though :p sorry if this took too long =v=' >avoids a swarm of rotten tomatoes< Ehehe... Gomen?... Ja ne~!*


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