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-Reunion with my childhood friends-                         

Kuroko's POV

We won... We actually won... It was silent on the court that you could hear a pin drop but it wasn't for long... The whole stadium erupted in shouts... I looked at my team looking at their satisfied grins and smirks screaming their happiness along with night... We thanked Rakuzan for the play and they congratulated us, no hard feelings were made and I've already accomplished my goal to get the old Kiseki no Sedai back.... I was about to leave the stadium when I felt someone looking at me... I didn't mind it and went with my team to celebrated the night away in Kagami's place... If only I waited, then maybe I would have the chance to meet with familiar faces.... But I left because I was happy, until...

(Next day)


The match ended and even though we won against Rakuzan we were still practicing and giving our best, I decided to go home early along with the others the only ones who remained at the court was Kagami-kun, Mitobe-senpai, Hyuuga-senpai, and Koganei-senpai were staying they're playing two vs two trying to perfect a new move they created... I was halfway outside the gate of the school when I realized that my bag wasn't with me and that I actually left it at the gym, so being me I proceeded to go to the gym to take it back... I didn't want to disturb their match so I went in sneakily planning to grab my bag and go home as quickly as possible... I didn't know that once I go back to the gym my life would change....

"Hey Kagami, that move of yours is epic! If you perfect that no one can stop us!" Koganei-sempai said "Yeah, maybe we won't be needing Kuroko anymore!" I stopped dead in my tracks many thoughts rushing in my head in a handful amount of time, the word that Hyuuga-senpai said wounds me "Mitobe agrees too!" Crack my world was becoming undone, even though it's bad to eavesdrop I pushed that aside curious of what Kagami-kun will say...

"Yeah, after all we're already the best in japan! He already fulfilled his promise to me, I guess I'm already too bright for him huh" Kagami-kun said smugly while the other senpais just agreed to his conclusion... Crack CracK CRACK my whole word fell apart in an instant.

'I guess I'm back to being useless huh, a worthless shadow isn't even worth anything' I stood there looking down while my cheeks were flushed red and my eyes was runny, I quietly stepped out of the gym being careful so I wouldn't attract attention... I went home quickly after that and changed my attire not bothering to take Nigou with me cause he's already asleep...

I went and picked my guitar at its former place and sneaked outside so I can go to the park... I found a place where a single tree laid, not much people was there and the grass was longer... Who am I to complain? I took out my guitar and started singing the song Kuta-kun made for all five of us....

"I wanna start by letting you know this
Because of you my life has a purpose
You made me who I am today
I see myself in every word you say

Sometimes I feels that nobody gets me
Trap in a world where everyone hates me
There's so much that I'm going through
And I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you

I was broken
I was choking
I was lost
This song saved my life"

I stopped dead in my tracks and paused my singing and strumming... I know that voice... I looked at my left and saw four grinning guys that looks just like a model... Their face was so familiar but I get the feeling that they weren't them... If I haven't heard them sing the last part, I wouldn't lie, I would refuse to believe they where them...

"Shin-chan... Ino-kun... Rei-kun... Kouta-nii...?? A-Are?" I felt something wet dripping down my cheeks and I gathered my courage as I put my trembling hand near my cheeks... I felt water on my hands and it confirmed my suspicions... I was crying... The phantom sixth man, who never shows his true feelings, is crying... I felt four pairs of hands embracing me as I continue to cry... It felt warm and cozy, not like the suffocating hugs Kise-kun and Momoi-san would give me... We stayed like that for a while, cuddling together and sharing our warmth with each other... We didn't mind the stares that people would give us when they stop and look at us or glance at us... We were used to it... When we stopped cuddling together, it felt as if they were going to leave me... So I did the most obvious thing for me to do...

I hold on to their shirts as if it was the only thing keeping me sane... Which might be true... They stopped, realizing what I was thinking and they took a seat all around me... We honestly look ridiculous, but I don't mind, I rather like it if I say so myself...

When I was pretty calm Shin-chan laid his head on my stomach, Ino-kun made me lean on to his chest as he lean on a tree for support, Rei-kun laid his head on my left arm and Kouta-nii laid his head on my right arm... We didn't talk for a while, making a wave of silence pass, but it wasn't akward... If I have to describe the silence it would be comforting... But it was short lived when Ino-kun sneezed... Those sneezes that makes you think about kittens... I chuckled and soon everybody started laughing which made Ino-kun pout...

When the laughs died down I started feeling... Empty?... Uneasy?... I don't know, but I don't like it... I guess the four noticed it too because their face etched into a worried frown... "Hey... Tsuyacchi... Tell us what's wrong?" Ino-kun asked... I felt like I wanted to burst but I tried my best to not spill more tears as I tell them my story... But I'm pretty much sure that their not buying it when I told them I was fine when they started emitting this dangerous araus... They might just have a chance to be scary just like Akashi... Who am I kidding!? It's pretty clear that those three are satan's spawn. They weren't called 'The Demon Spawns' for no reason....

When I pretty much said my story to them, they tried to remain neutral... Keyword, tried to... It pretty much fails when they started smiling pretty evily... The rest of day past as a blur to me just like that though... We started hanging out and playing in the arcade... It was fun but I felt a pang of sadness when we were to seperate... They walked me home, had a chat with my mom, ate dinner and left... But before they left, Kouta-nii told me that we should meet at the park tomorrow... Since its Saturday, I don't see the problem why I shouldn't accept...

I took a shower, to help me freshen myself up... I stripped my clothes off and grab my towel and put it into the towel rack in my bathroom... I turned the faucet on and let the water to fill the tub until it reached a certain length... I went and soak myself in the tub as I add my vanilla scented soap on the bath... I didn't know how long I stayed there, but I sure was getting comfy... I finished my bath and headed to my sink... I brushed my teeth and washed my face with moisturizing cream... I may not be a model like Kise-kun but I still care for my skin thank you very much... I went out of the bathroom and wear my pajamas a little too quick cuz I realized it was too cold on my room... I went and took Nigou as he excitedly jumped on the bed with me. I closed my eyes as I hugged Nigou a bit closer to me.

That night all I dreamt about was my day with the others... It was fun and I don't need to keep my poker face intact... 'If I was to stop playing basketball would anyone care?'... That thought came to me before I sleep and I thought about it... Very very VERY carefully... 'Well... I know for once that Kagami and the other senpais will definitely not miss me... But what about the others?' I contemplated about it for a long time but ended up sleeping without care at all... At... All...


Note: Yes we know... Kuroko's been a lot OOC... That's the point of this fanfic no? Btw... Can someone answer my question?... Will Kuroko, and the others, work at Zunonboy with Kise? Or... Will they work on another company? If so, who will be with them? And what will be the name?... That's all thank you very much!


[TNM] The New Me -A knb fanfic-Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant